Not a Negative Vent...More of an, "I accept this" rant.

Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:

May 21, 2011
Hi All -

It seems like it was just yesterday that I received my Crohn's Diagnosis. It was in January of 2011. I actually took it quite well, despite it being a chronic illness. I also took it well because my Doctor thought I had HPV, which instead turned out to be fistulas. Since my diagnosis, i've had two surgeries, and as of a couple weeks ago, i'm headed for procedure number three on April 22nd.

I went to go see a new GI Doctor a couple weeks ago, because the last one that I went to rushed through the appointment and kept trying to push medications on me with a two year old diagnosis. I never felt truly comfortable around her. While I seemed to be doing well at the time, last month I got really sick. I was sick for about three weeks and it literally knocked me out of business. The pain radiated throughout my entire abdomen and into my back near my kidneys. It was horrible and no pain medicine helped. I finally realized I had enough, and when my old GI practically yelled at me for not seeing her I realized she wasn't the right doctor for me. She offered no help and made me feel like a horrible person.

When I went to go see this new GI doctor, my meeting with her went really well. She told me that people who aren't treated properly have a 75-80% chance of ending up in the hospital for emergency surgery. Also, because i'm a "clean slate", she wants to do a colonoscopy and endoscopy on me so that she can see where i'm at with my Crohn's. While i'm not enthralled about the whole thing, I know in my heart it's for the best. I'm tired of feeling sick, and feeling like a slave to this stupid disease. On another note, I feel like I should get some sort of "frequent visitor's card" for the surgery center at my local hospital. As weird as it sounds, I am looking forward to getting knocked out. That's my favorite! lol. Nothing like feeling like you can fall asleep in a split second. I love sleep. I love getting knocked out.

Anyway, i've avoided medications for the past two years, because I always thought I could handle this disease naturally. Also, I think I was in denial and scared because of all the horror stories and side effects I heard about from the different meds. But, last month (and today especially), I've realized that I can't do this "on my own." I need help from medications and I am excited that they could potentially help me feel better with know...:poo: So, for the first time ever, i'm looking forward to a colonoscopy and endoscopy.

So, that's my rant. Just wanted to put it out there and finally say that I accept this card that God has dealt me, and i'm ready to fight it wholeheartedly.
Hello TwinkleToes. Best wishes on your procedure. I am sure you will feel better with the right medication. God Bless you. Please keep us informed how everything goes.
I'm still undiagnosed but I think it is Crohn's. So far I am accepting these health issues positively too, al-hamdu Lillaah (all praise to The Creator). It's nice to not have to stress about this. I know I have a future out there so my health issues and I will part someday. I hope that we can all stay optimistic and I hope that all goes well with your procedure and new GI TwinkleToes.
I hope your surgery will be successful. I hope your new doctor will help u properly, and with compassion. I've had crohns for 18 plus yrs. I'm here for u. ask me anything cuz I've been thru it all and it's been a ruff ride for sure. hope u get well fast.
Same here, I usually feel even more tired after being knocked out and do not feel rested at all.

Twinkle Toes: I am glad you seemed to have found a doctor you like. Hope your tests all go well and you can get some help soon. I also believe in trying to do as much natural as possible. I mean sometimes we need the help of medications and I think sometimes altering the diet along with some meds, these two things can compliment each other and help get you well.

Hi Twinkle Toes,

It sounds like you've made good decisions. Medications can really help, and if you find they don't or the side effects get too much, you can always try others or go back to treating it naturally if it's safe for you to do so.

It's strange, getting knocked out doesn't feel like sleeping to me. When you wake up from sleep, you're aware that time has passed. When you're knocked with aneathetic, it's liking blinking your eyes and immediately opening them to find yourself in a different place (and usually in pain!) and it's like no time has passed at all. Which I find means I don't get to enjoy the rest lol. I am quite amazed by how powerful aneasthetics are, though, and have a great respect for aneathatists!

Hope all goes well with your new doctor and you get your disease under control.
The bad part about not being on meds for ten yrs was my disease progressed. It is now in the lrg intestines. I personally wouldn't go that route again.

The bottom line, you have to do what works best for you.

Good luck with your scopes
