Not feeling hungry for days at a time? Does this happen to you?

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Hi I'm new to this site and I have had this happen a couple of times before. I just try and drink lots of water and make fresh vegie soup and mash it up. I only eat a little bit. But keeping the water up is really important. Then after about 2nd day my hunger returns :)
Definitely. When I am flaring, I completely lose my appetite. Just the thought of food will turn me right off. Having been on prednisone for the last little while, though, my problem has been quite the opposite.
Hi theend2,
I found that I didn't feel hungry at all for about 2 years. I don't know if it was the meds I was on, the fact that I would feel nauseous every time I ate, or that I vomited daily, but never once in that 2 years did I feel hungry. Once the flair calmed and I entered a sort of remission, my hunger feelings came back. I just had to force myself to eat/drink. Even typing this I find it hard to believe that I didn't feel hunger in all that time, but I did.
Its just crazy isn't it. I was wondering if I was alone in this but I guess I am not. Thanks for your posts. Glad to know I am not alone.
Iv had days where im not interested in food.. will nit pick but not have a full meal. One that makes me feel good is chicken soup .. proper chicken stock with peas carrots and potato and/or spaghetti ...goes down a treat
I've been through this many times

I force myself to eat. Even when I have no appitite
at all, I'll force myself to eat.

I know it's hard to do, but really try. You will eventually get used to eating, even when you don't feel like it.
You must remember the bigger picture. Your body needs sustanance. You must supply it.
Even when it feels so wrong to do so.

Good luck
Little and often is the way to go...if you can exercise you'll feel more hungrier. as danman says you may have to force some down. try things you know you like 1st
Ohh, I meant to say, when you feel like this, don't feel guilty, eat
what ever you like the most.

If that is 20 doughnuts, so be it.

Or fried chicken with nothing else, so be it.

What ever os your favourite food, have it.
You need to keep eating. It's very easy to get into a cycle of nitpicking. Choose foods
that you like the most. Then eat loads of it.

At least untill your feeling better.
Yeah sometimes for about a week or so but then will go back to normal.

I often go through stages where I become very picky with what I eat as well.
Yes I can definately relate to this. It's very frustrating because I know I need to eat but everything makes me nauseous. I think after a time my stomach just accepts it doesn't want food and so the hunger goes away. But this is bad! So now I try to supplement myself with those disgusting nutrition drinks because for some reason liquids always seem much more appealing even if they taste gross...