Not feeling too great

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Jul 17, 2014
Hi everyone

My recent flare just hasn't gotten any better and just seems to get worse. Its been going on since May, well that's when they first picked it up as I hadn't had any tests in a long time so it could have been longer. Now I'm being sick and struggling to eat without the feeling that there just isn't any room for the food to go in. I know I should probably go in and see them as something isn't right but I've got two small children I don't want to leave so I've been putting it off for a while now. How long does everyone else wait before they go to hospital?

I'm currently on 25mg of prednisolone and waiting to start my Humira.

Thanks in advance for any advice.
Hi Yvonne, I'm so sorry you're not feeling well,especially with two little ones and Christmas coming up.I understand how difficult things are BUT I think this flare has lasted too long.Do you have an I.B.D. nurse you can call ? We have one at our hospital and she is the first "GO TO" for advice.Failing that,it would be a good idea to go to your GP and have your meds reviewed.Maybe that's all that's needed. Feel better soon.Best Wishes.
Hi Scottsma yes I do have an IBD nurse and I've been in regular contact with her and she's been reviewing my medicine but the main thing she keeps saying is I need to start my Humira, it's been delivered today and I'm waiting on their nurse contacting me to arrange to come out and do my loading dose. My IBD nurse did say at my last emergency appointment that it sounds like I might need a bed for 3-5 days but I've been trying to avoid that. Not really managing to eat much today at all as it just doesn't feel as if its going down. I'm at the GP tomorrow so I'll mention how I'm feeling when I see him. Thanks for your reply.
I haven't been on Humira so can't really advise you on that,except to say maybe once it kicks in you might not need to go to hospital.
Have you had you're docs appt.yet ? How did it go ?
Yes I had it this morning but I wasn't feeling as bad today so we just spoke in general about their plans for me. The Humira team called today, to book the nurse in so they'll be here next Tuesday so it's count down time now, excited and nervous about starting it.
Fingers x'd it works well for you,let's know how it goes.

I hope you feel better soon.We're always here if you need help and support,or a gossip and a good moan.

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