Not going

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May 24, 2010
not going

Today 35 or so people from my church left for West Virginia to serve in ASP. I had done this for 3 years straight and planned to go every year. When I got a bad flare this year I was not sure how well I would recover so I backed out. The trip is wonderful, but you work really hard out in the heat and you sleep on air mattresses in a gym with 150 of your closest friends. Plus you can be up to an hour from any medical facility. The trip is not easy on a healthy person and if I was still in bad shape with a flare.... The sad thing is today I feel well enough to go, but I had to give them time to find a backup, who could take off work etc. Oh well, this is a small vent, but still a bummer. Their FB page has some good pictures
Sounds like a good program. I'm sorry you didn't get to go but am glad that you're feeling better today. :D
Sorry to hear that. I know it must suck to be missing out on something you really want to do. You made the right decision though. Your health comes first and sometimes you have to weigh the consequences.
I know how hard it is, but be proud of yourself that you made the right decision. You must take care of yourself first. If it helps, find a blessing to count. Our church is having a full-submerse baptism at the beach today that I was really looking forward to. My husband's going and I'm sitting here on my butt. On the bright side, I'm able to sit on my butt, which I couldn't yesterday because it hurt too much. Hang in there and know that we are with you, good and bad. So, vent away!!!!
Thanks for the support guys. I was told a lot of kids asked about me this morning and why I wasn't there. Made me happy and sad all at the same time. The trip is cool because you have two adult leaders, one each male and female and 5 kids ages 14 to 18, on the seven man team. You work for a week on a house as part of a 9 week on going project. I really enjoy the work but mostly I enjoy meeting the families we serve and especially being able to teach kids how to work with tools and accomplish things they have never done before. To see some youngster go from afraid of a circular saw to completely confident in using one is really fun. Especially the girls, even though some boys can be just as timid, the girls always express their triumph with such enthusiasm! It's a total kick.

Now this is an odd coincidence or maybe it's not a coincidence at all, but the guy who is going in my place, his wife works for the CCFA (crohn's colitis foundation of America).
Wow good coincidence I must say!! But ya know , you realize just how much you are missed when you are not there. It is good to look after yourself. ;)
I know how hard it is, but be proud of yourself that you made the right decision. You must take care of yourself first. If it helps, find a blessing to count. Our church is having a full-submerse baptism at the beach today that I was really looking forward to. My husband's going and I'm sitting here on my butt. On the bright side, I'm able to sit on my butt, which I couldn't yesterday because it hurt too much. Hang in there and know that we are with you, good and bad. So, vent away!!!!

MisB, sorry you had to miss out on that. Sounds like it was a nice service out on the beach. On the bright side our church got a new pastor and today was her second sermon but the first time I heard her, I was away for the 4th last week. She is really good. Hope you get to feeling better!

p.s. sorry if the title of this thread is a bit of false advertising. What was I thinking? (head slap)
:ytongue: Yeah, CS, talk about false advertising. I thought you were constipated, which I have been, and thought I had a chat buddy. Oh well, we were still on the same page. :ylol: I'm glad you had a good service. Those are always important.
You sound like a really good man Scott. I'm glad people like you exist. I should strive to be more like you myself.

On the bright side, it's good to know you are feeling better:).
I'm so sorry you're missing out on this opportunity, Scott. Knowing you (well, electronically, anyway) you will find other ways to be a support to the mission and to serve.
Mark, thanks that was really nice and I'm sure you're not much different than me.

Kelly, well I helped them get ready on Saturday, picking up the rental vans and next Sunday I will help return the rental vans, so I am still involved a little. I know when get home you are so tired and returning those vans is just torture. So this is a big help to them.

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