Not quite sure what to expect

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Aug 1, 2013
I am pretty anxious about an upcoming surgery, mainly because it is happening so quickly and I have very little info.

I was just hospitalised last week for anemia(hemo 54, iron 2) after receiving a blood transfusion just two weeks prior as well as a partial obstruction in my small intestine. I had a CT scan in January revealing that my current meds of Stelara and Prednisone have not stopped active inflammation and that I had 2 strictured parts in my SI. We were hopefull that with and increase in Stelara dosage awa adding methotrexate we could bludgeon it into submission but it seems obvious it is not working.

So fast foreward to my discharge Thursday. I got a call from my GI who said that her and her collegues recommend surgery to remove the damaged parts. Tomorrow I am apparently supposed to walk into ER at a specific hospital, let them know my situation and a surgeon will be waiting for me. She said no prep needed just show up amd they will guide me through yhe whole thing.

Now I had a 15cm resection a few years ago under emergency circumstances, which is quite different to this so I don't really know what to expect. I dont even know the exact locations of the areas they will be removing.

I am honestly very nervous about this. Has anyone had something similar done, process wise? What kind of timeline will this be on?
I'm looking at surgery too without it being emergency. Just been waiting for my surgery doctor date and keeping a strict diet. It's not going well though and wish they would move up the date but it is what it is I guess. I would ask them to tell you where it's located the removal part, they always tell me everything when asked. Make sure to pack things you want at the hospital. Thoughts and prayers.