Not sure what i have

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jun 8, 2012
Just happened upon this site and wanted to join. I'm 29 and I'm not really sure if I have UC or CD. This is mainly because the docters can't decide lol.

I've had two flare ups that both required one week hospital stays. Got Colonoscopies both times. Had white spots up and down my colon and both times they were not sure what it was. The symptoms I had both times was bloody stools and basically living on the throne feeling like I had to go but basically only little amounts of blood coming out. I also would run fevers and have sharp pains in my tummy. The first one happened at 23 and the second at 25. It's been 4 years since the last one, but I do smoke so that might be a factor. I've also never been prescribed anything for it.

Sorry if this is kinda scatter brained, it's 6am and we just had a baby 2 weeks ago so he's taking most my sleep lol. Anyway glad I found this group, it will be nice to talk to people who know what it's like to deal with this. Thanks for reading.
Welcome to the forum. Hope you are able to get some answers soon. It must be so frustrating for all the undiagnosed out there. At least you know what your up against & know how to treat a disease that has been named.

A new baby to keep you busy too. Who needs an alarm clock lol.

I just got a puppy & I have just had some late night/early mornings this week.

My kids are grown up now & I thought I was passed all that then along came Alfie the Jack Russell.
Hi there and welcome :)

I'm glad it has been four years since your last issue. Did they feel that it was some form of inflammatory bowel disease? How are you feeling these days?
Hi there and welcome :)

I'm glad it has been four years since your last issue. Did they feel that it was some form of inflammatory bowel disease? How are you feeling these days?

They were leaning towards UC but were not sure. As for how I've been, pretty good for the most part. Lately I've been having very green stools and was kinda worried about that but everything else seems to be fine. Sometimes I'll have a little blood but I keep a eye on it and it clears up in a day or two. Luckily I have VA health insurance so if anything starts going south this time I'll just head it off before any hospital time is need.
Get the green stools checked for bile, could be bile salt malabsorbtion. Did they check you for c-diff at the time? I'm sure they would know better than me as they were in you, but it could've been pseudomembranes they saw (the white spots), that'd be good as it'd mean you've probably beaten the infection since then!

You should get the green stools checked and the blood as well, but otherwise, that's great that you don't have much problems! That said, keep going to checkups, better to find a problem before it's a problem!

Hope it keeps up,