Hi everyone.
I am a new member on here. I have been sick with alot of different issues for the last 9 years. I have fibromyalgia, interstitial cystitis, motility issues of the gut, possible autoimmune issues, IBS). I have always had upper gut issues that started about 8 years ago. My symptoms were pain and bloating after eating only very little. I had numerous upper endoscopies which were normal. I was told I had a neuropathic dysmotility of the small intestines. I then later went on a gluten free diet and that helped me immensely. Anyhow, last year my husband brought me home the stomach flu ( he is a teacher). Well ever since then I have had on and off intestinal pain and tenderness and cramping. Well for the last three weeks I have been in misery. I had one episode of diareha about a week ago( I had my period at the time so not sure if that made things worse or not). Otherwise my symptoms are constant pain, tenderness, crampiness, bloating, and a feeling like I always have to go( even though I do not actually go). I usually have one BM a day and it is usually soft or formed normal. But my intestines always feel so much more worse after I go. Like I said, I have the pain, crampiness and bloating ALL day, especially worse after I eat. My Gastro doc told me awhile back that I have IBS. I just cannot believe IBS can cause this kind of pain ALL the time. Also my stool I notice had whitish, yellow puss or mucus in it. My regular doctor had me do this stool sample thing so I just sent it to the lab today and will get the results sometime next week hopefully.
I also have been on a low dose antibitoic( keflex) for over three years to prevent the UTIs I was getting due to the Interstiatial cystitis. I also take a ton of probitoics daily. I just wonder if by taking the high doses of probitoics that this could be masking things( like possible halting diareha). I am so worried this may be chron's. How can you tell between crohn's and IBS. Thanks in advance for any info you may have to offer....
I am a new member on here. I have been sick with alot of different issues for the last 9 years. I have fibromyalgia, interstitial cystitis, motility issues of the gut, possible autoimmune issues, IBS). I have always had upper gut issues that started about 8 years ago. My symptoms were pain and bloating after eating only very little. I had numerous upper endoscopies which were normal. I was told I had a neuropathic dysmotility of the small intestines. I then later went on a gluten free diet and that helped me immensely. Anyhow, last year my husband brought me home the stomach flu ( he is a teacher). Well ever since then I have had on and off intestinal pain and tenderness and cramping. Well for the last three weeks I have been in misery. I had one episode of diareha about a week ago( I had my period at the time so not sure if that made things worse or not). Otherwise my symptoms are constant pain, tenderness, crampiness, bloating, and a feeling like I always have to go( even though I do not actually go). I usually have one BM a day and it is usually soft or formed normal. But my intestines always feel so much more worse after I go. Like I said, I have the pain, crampiness and bloating ALL day, especially worse after I eat. My Gastro doc told me awhile back that I have IBS. I just cannot believe IBS can cause this kind of pain ALL the time. Also my stool I notice had whitish, yellow puss or mucus in it. My regular doctor had me do this stool sample thing so I just sent it to the lab today and will get the results sometime next week hopefully.
I also have been on a low dose antibitoic( keflex) for over three years to prevent the UTIs I was getting due to the Interstiatial cystitis. I also take a ton of probitoics daily. I just wonder if by taking the high doses of probitoics that this could be masking things( like possible halting diareha). I am so worried this may be chron's. How can you tell between crohn's and IBS. Thanks in advance for any info you may have to offer....