Not what I was hoping to hear....

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May 24, 2010
So I havnt checked in here for a while, but this life of mine seems like a never ending roller coaster....after my diagnosis last year of CD, my body has been haywire. Last month I was treated as an inpatient for a resistant bacteria infection....the drs removed the cause of the infection, and got things cleared up. So I followed up with my OBGYN and he suggested a D&C and laproscopic exploratory, he said my symptoms were classic of endometriosis. He told me the surgery was quick and recovery was no thing....well, he was wrong. I had the surgery on Tuesday and he found what he called the worst case of endo he had ever seen and almost all my organs were stuck together. He burned a lot of the endo tissue off, and tried to seperate my organs but failed. He said there was so much endo scartissue and my organs were far beyon repair. The surgery was almost two hours and I was admitted to the hospital. They gave me a pain med pump, antibiotics and steroids. He took several pics, and Im disgusted....its awful. Im in loads of pain, and still bleeding. Im at my end with all this, and just dont know what to do. I cant believe its so the only way to truely fix it is a hysterectomy....I dont even know what to do...its all so much, finally the CD is under control....and now this. Whe does it stop....Im slipping into deep depression and very sad.....TEARS~
Hey Bev, talk to Joan!! She had the histo because of her endo and she would recommend it I guarantee. I'm sure she would have some good advice for you!
I'm sorry to hear that Bev. Sometimes we just gotta do what we gotta do to live even though we don't really want to do it. My mom had a hysterectomy a couple years back (I don't recall her saying why though) and she has been feeling much better because of it. I hope all this pain you're going through will finally stop if you get this last procedure done.
Hiya Bev

I'm here for you, just give us a shout!
It's not all bad news this, having a hysterectomy is the best thing I've ever done, ever!
My surgeon called mine a 'car crash' so he gave me the option, I didn't hesitate, I asked for it all to be removed.
Hang on in there Bev, and PM me anytime
Not alone

Bev, I am afraid I minght not be much help as far as info. But I read what you wrote and I hurt for you. It is frustrating when your own body attacks itself and you feel you have little control over your body and trying to get well so you can live agin normally. Its ok to feel down just dont get caught up in the negative thoughts, which is easy. Try to focus on your strength. Please know your not alone and we are here for you. I will keep u in my prayer. You seem so strong, you will get through this, you already have!
Hi Bev - Sorry to hear you're such a mess inside. I'm a big advocate of "if it's broken and you can live without it, get it removed!" Easy for me to say as I am not in your shoes. But it doesn't sound like you've got much of a choice, do you?

Good luck. I hope you are able to accept the surgery and know that it will likely make you feel much, much better.

Hi Bev,
Sorry you are in so much pain all of the time. I had a hysterectomy and it was the best thing that I could have done to relieve all of the pain that I was in at the time.

I wish you luck. Get well soon.
Hi, Bev. I am sorry that you have such bad endometriosis. A few of my friends have had the surgery, and even without complications, it wasn't "easy." Do you have children yet? It's a hard decision to make whether or not to get a hysterectomy, but it sounds like you would be saving your other organs - and your body if you did. Try to take things one minute at a time so that you're not overwhelmed. Do you have friends or family who you can talk to? I will keep you in my prayers.
Thank you all for your kind words of support. I am lucky that I do have two very beautiful young children and a husband that loves me. Its just all so much to keep dealing with, especially after the year I had last year. Im coming to terms with what I have to do eventually, but hope I can put it off for a while. Im going to try and enjoy the Easter holiday thats upon us, and worry about this stuff later....I wish everyone a wonderful Easter!!
Bev, I am so sorry to hear of your recent developements. I have been following your posts because we have a lot of symptoms in common. You have been through so much. I know it's hard to keep your chin up, but you will get through it. Understanding the problem is half the battle. I wish you the best. HUGS!
I am so sorry you are going through all of this, Bev. Thinking of you!

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