So for the third time within 2 weeks or so, I had a really numb knee. Like it goes funny and numb for a second, I move it, it's a bit better. Do any of you get numb limbs. I just read online, that it's common in crohns. It's generally the way with vit b12 deficiencies. I only get 3 monthly injections, but apparently, at varied times, our bodies if unable to absorb b12 through the intestine, may need weekly, monthly b12. I'll copy a few peoples threads, who have this deficiency. It surprised me, and I thought some of you with crohns probobly only get 3 monthly too.....
November 4th, 2009 at 6:21 pm
I have had problems with ocular migraines, vertigo, dizziness, diarrhea, stiffness and pain in muscles and joints, lesions on MRI, carotid artery bruit ,heart murmur, fatigue, memory loss and changes in cognitive ability for the past ten years. I have a long list of doctors I have seen during this time span. Recently, went to a new neurologist. He tested my B12 level. I was SOOOO LOW ,it was “unmeasurable”. Basically he couldn’t tell how LOW it was. That is severe B12 deficiency. By the way, it’s due to intrinsic value malabsorption. Have started B12 injections with highest dose possible daily with hopes to reverse some of the neurological damage that has occurred. I’m RELIEVED to FINALLY find out what was wrong with me. However,I am pissed off that it was something this simple. IF only I knew about B12 deficiency 10 years ago, I wouldn’t be in the shape I’m in. I am already feeling better with the injections,( don’t know if that’s a placebo effect), but feel I am getting my life back. After my daily injections are completed, I go to weekly, then I will have monthly injections for the rest of my life..that’s FINE with me! I am 46 years old.
April 15th, 2009 at 5:40 pm
i have vitamin b12 deficiency. i used to have ciliac as a child but was slowly wiened from it. now i suffer symptoms of anemia and b12 deficiency included face numbness, dizzyness, fatigue, and numbness in arms and legs. I am only 24 and i have to recieve injections monthly for the restof my life.
While a vitamin deficiency does not sound all that serious, it really can be. The signs and symptoms along can be cause for alarm. Some common signs of this problem include:
Numbness of the extremities
Sore mouth
Loss of appetite
Cessation of menstruation
Memory loss
Behavioral changes
Enlarged mucus membranes
Yes, those are a lot of signs and symptoms. If you have a combination of the above, you should really see your doctor right away. Studies have shown that B12 deficiency can even cause nerve damage.
November 4th, 2009 at 6:21 pm
I have had problems with ocular migraines, vertigo, dizziness, diarrhea, stiffness and pain in muscles and joints, lesions on MRI, carotid artery bruit ,heart murmur, fatigue, memory loss and changes in cognitive ability for the past ten years. I have a long list of doctors I have seen during this time span. Recently, went to a new neurologist. He tested my B12 level. I was SOOOO LOW ,it was “unmeasurable”. Basically he couldn’t tell how LOW it was. That is severe B12 deficiency. By the way, it’s due to intrinsic value malabsorption. Have started B12 injections with highest dose possible daily with hopes to reverse some of the neurological damage that has occurred. I’m RELIEVED to FINALLY find out what was wrong with me. However,I am pissed off that it was something this simple. IF only I knew about B12 deficiency 10 years ago, I wouldn’t be in the shape I’m in. I am already feeling better with the injections,( don’t know if that’s a placebo effect), but feel I am getting my life back. After my daily injections are completed, I go to weekly, then I will have monthly injections for the rest of my life..that’s FINE with me! I am 46 years old.
April 15th, 2009 at 5:40 pm
i have vitamin b12 deficiency. i used to have ciliac as a child but was slowly wiened from it. now i suffer symptoms of anemia and b12 deficiency included face numbness, dizzyness, fatigue, and numbness in arms and legs. I am only 24 and i have to recieve injections monthly for the restof my life.
While a vitamin deficiency does not sound all that serious, it really can be. The signs and symptoms along can be cause for alarm. Some common signs of this problem include:
Numbness of the extremities
Sore mouth
Loss of appetite
Cessation of menstruation
Memory loss
Behavioral changes
Enlarged mucus membranes
Yes, those are a lot of signs and symptoms. If you have a combination of the above, you should really see your doctor right away. Studies have shown that B12 deficiency can even cause nerve damage.