I dunno about 'adding fuel to the fire'.. I do know that one can either decide to be part of the solution... OR not. If not, then one potentially is part of the problem. I mean, who has the most to win/lose in our given situations? Answer: We do. The urge to lash out, be obstinate, to expect 'perfection' from the human beings who treat us... These are all too human traits themselves... yet if we let ourselves fall prey to them, ultimately we are the ones to lose the most. I mean, like... I KNOW better than to piss off my waitstaff or bartender..
AND I do my utmost to not enter into an 'adversarial' situation with healthcare people... Let me tell you a little story... many years ago, I was sitting in the waiting room of my then GP's office.. a private practice office that had, at that time.... 5 doctors working out of it. With only 1 receptionist... an elderly nurse with a world of experience... really sweet soul.. who would do anything for a patient AND often did... Like, if you were sick, really sick, and yet the doctors were booked to the limit and then some... she'd somehow find a way to fit you in.. anyway, this day was like any other, phones ringing constantly, and she'd be handling... more like super handling.. the call volumes single handedly. She got no break from this till, as regularly happened.. all of the in-house lines were in use... and there was no way to answer incomming calls till a line went down.
(this was in the pre-digital days... a six line phone system.. I'd worked on them and with them... knew their limitations).. So, that was the status at the time; the 'docs' had all the in-house lines tied up; she couldn't take any incomming calls till one of them hung up... That is when an irate man stomped in. he took one look at her sitting there; while the phoneline was ringing, and he jumped to the conclusion that she was deliberately ignoring those calls.. apparently one of which he HAD been placing, trying to get thru, before he gave up AND opted to come to the office in person, w/o appointment. Without knowing the story AS it actually was; he tore into her in a rage... called her everything in the book.. blatantly called her incompetent, too old to do the job, senile, stupid, lazy... well, the list went on N on. She tried to explain the situation, he wasn't in a mood to listen... she tried to reason with him.. no go. Eventually, she did get him calm enuff to find out what was wrong; then she squeezed him in to see a doc.. Now, I consider myself a patient N reasonable fellow, but if that haad been me in her shoes... I wouldn't have gone out of my way to do him any favours. In fact, I would have put him on the lowest rung of the priority ladder, and kept him there indefinitely. Oh, and before folks jump to the idea that she was just doing a CYA.. she was the widow of the doc who founded the practice, the mother of the doc who headed it up at the time, the grandmother of one of the other doctors there, and the grand aunt and great grand aunt of two others... Essentially, with her late hubby's initial share, and her son's, grandson's portion... the docs there were largely working for her. She was anything but incompetent... she was a keystone in the whole office operation; and knew MORE about the patients than the docs did themselves.
She could have easily told this clown to pound the pavement and find another doctor... Anyway, now that I've bored everyone to tears with this longwinded story... just wanted to say that... in life, a majority of things are totally out of our control... except for our own behaviour. And the old saying "What goes around, comes around" may just have a kernal of truth about it. And that we sometimes don't know the rest of the story... yet are way too quick to judge.
for instance, Benson, I don't understand what you mean when you say that a nameless nurse was responsible for costing you hundreds of dollars on useless Asacol? Nurses can't prescribe... ASACOL may or may not be effective, that's a reality that only time N trial will tell... it's not like ASACOL is a snake oil remedy.
Do you understand my confusion over your statement? What's a nurse got to do with it?
and Jeff... OK, that vague statement.. you were only joking. but in these days, who is to know whether it's a joke or not; and who is willing to take a chance?
A statement like that, in other circumstances... can get one expelled, or even arrested.. Like, yell fire in a crowded theatre; someone gets trampled, expect a lawsuit... someone gets killed, expect jail time. Step aboard a plane and say "I've got a bomb"... send me a postcard from Guatanamo.. Protest all u want that u were kidding, joking, whatever... thing of it is, u were in control of your tongue... Like, if I were a doc, or nurse, or receptionist who worked at your drs office, AND knew you were you on this site.. for whatever reason, I'd have NO choice but to relay that 'possible threat/possible joke' to the authorities. Then, on the next visit, it would be "Could you please explain these words to the nice police officer over there?" And then, could you please find another physician!!!
And like, I'm not attempting to come down on anyone, or condemn anyone. It's just that, in an environment that is as supportive as this forum is, there can be a time when one sees/reads something, and just has to step up and say 'Hey'
Bash away at the medical system all you want, vent away to your content, but lets draw the line uttering vague threats that could be mis-interpreted, and not cross that line'. I know all too well the frustration, anger, other emotions that dealing with this disease can draw out of us; but we can make the choice to be 'positive' in our dealing with them. I just think negativity leads to negativity.