Oh great......chance of tb exposure.....

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Apr 7, 2010
New York, USA
So I hear from my mom tonight that she was possibly exposed to tb a couple weeks ago when she had an endoscopy.....guess who I see multiple times a week? She has to go for a test this week, hoping it is negative!!!!!

I'm still getting over a sinus infection with lingering cough/chest confession and fluid too.......
Oh god hope that's not the case for either of you. The TB test is pretty simple but a two step is more accurate unless she goes the blood route quant gold.
Oh no Paso. :( I hope your Mum’s test returns a negative result. :ghug: Sending much luck and well wishes your way. Good luck!

Dusty. xxx
She will be going for the blood test, so hopefully the results will be in quickly. I'm going to wait to see what her results are, as long as she can get them this week.....otherwise u will be calling my Dr to see what they have to say.
She was exposed to TB during an endoscopy? Surely there must be some sort of malpractice there that she can pursue? Because that's not cool! I've had doctors expose me to stuff like norovirus in the past, but never something as serious as TB. Good luck, I hope you and your mom are both in the clear!
Not sure what the exposure was from - if it was during hte procedure itself or if there was a patient there with TB....Mom is going tomorrow for the test, she got excused from jury duty because of it I think.....

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