Oh my effin' co-worker!

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Apr 7, 2010
New York, USA
oh my effin' co-worker!

ok - need to vent SOMEWHERE.....

Boss put out a new schedule going into April, and as soon as I looked at it I noticed I was scheduled for an event on a weekend when I am not available.....I said so, and also that would have messed up my paid travel to/from a training course the following week.....

So, boss told me to email my 2 co-workers and ask if either could cover the weekend event....I did - then my one co-worker who was in the office WENT OFF - got all hissy/pissy and said he would work it, but he was 'tired of getting stuck with things' because I can't work certain days.....then went on to mention a supposed event from 2006 where I supposedly laughed about him getting 'stuck' working this same event and that I said I screwed him over....something I would NEVER have done!

I was able to prove him wrong on one account - as he stated he always got stuck working this event - while I worked it last year!.....this also falls right around my daughters' birthday, and because of a potential event the following weekend that I had planned on working my plan was to have her party that day....gee - HE stuck me with an event that I had other plans for because HE had a party for one of his kids! Guess it doesn't work both ways...

THEN - he comes back to the office and after the boss leaves starts in on how he has a spreadsheet of swaps he has made with everyone, and how he has swapped on my account so many times without me 'paying him back'.....umm....you could always say NO!...wtf.....acting like a spoiled little child...

oh - and I'm also NOT supposed to put in for the same weekend/days off every year when there is an event I attend yearly (horse show) which also has an event fall on one of the same weekend days.....too effin' bad! There is a 3rd co-worker, up until recently a 4th - but yet it is MY fault he gets stuck with this event.....and here I thought I was being a GOOD employee for letting my boss know of my time off requests well in advance so he can do his scheduling!!!!!!!

Oh yeah...just looked at my old time sheets and gee....guess who worked the event TWO DAYS before having a baby????????? It sure as hell wasn't HIM!
Sounds like our coworkers could be related!! Haha. I worked the day before I had my daughter. It's crazy!
omg..gets 'better....he just told me he isn't mad about it (yeah, right) - and complained because he didn't check the schedule to see that I had changed my shift to an earlier one this coming Friday (which I did a couple WEEKS AGO)....and complained that I should let everyone know if I change my shift - especially him as his wife has to take time off if he is on the early shift.....

At this point, I really don't care - as I spend over $100-/week on gas just commuting to/from work, have to pay for daycare, ask my Mom for favors to watch my daughter when my shift is the early one and my husband is not home.......AND I don't bitch and complain when others in the office take time off or schedule changes and I don't know about it (not that I really care!).....
oh yeah - and he doesn't note that there are events that I work that he has NEVER worked.....AND I have worked more weekends than he has since starting in the office....

AND - that there are 2 other co-workers in the office who have NOT been scheduled to work that event - EVER!
I just saved the schedules from 2005-present which shows what we all are/were scheduled for.....going to let it lie for now, but if he dares to complain again......I will bring it out! - oh - and he actually put stuff in WRITING - and I have that email saved!
omg..gets 'better....he just told me he isn't mad about it (yeah, right) - and complained because he didn't check the schedule to see that I had changed my shift to an earlier one this coming Friday (which I did a couple WEEKS AGO)....and complained that I should let everyone know if I change my shift - especially him as his wife has to take time off if he is on the early shift.....

HA! Just forwarded him the email I sent on DECEMBER 14th letting him know I was working the early shift this Friday in case he wanted to change his shift!...guess he needs to READ his emails!
My attitude is it is my BOSSES job to approve/deny schedules and time off requests.....if HE has a problem with me asking for the same weekend off every year, then HE needs to say something.....at least he KNOWS that I request it off every year....

Oh yeah - and I didn't mention that my husband and I adjusted OUR vacation plans so another co-worker could get some time off before he ships out to Afghanistan for a year.....
Boss and I had a little chat after the first outburst.....

You know what would REALLY burn this guys' butt??.....:ymad: If I got the promotion when our boss retires this summer!! bwahahahaa......:rof::rof::rof:

Of course I would be a FAIR boss.....