Oh wow.

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Oct 30, 2010
I'm new here and just browsing the posts... my husband was diagnosed with Crohn's back in March and it's been a terrible road for him and my family (we have 4 kids)... and just reading through these posts breaks my heart. I've been through some pretty bad flareups with him, and just seeing all the suffering yall do just saddens me. It also scares me that one of my children may be showing signs of having it and I can't imagine seeing her go through what he's been going through.

Recently, he had some pretty bad cramps and ended up throwing up with diarrhea (all at the same time) all night long, and ended up feeling better the next day, although he slept for 16 hours. I never did figure out if it was a virus or Crohn's related, but it was terrible. Then, all last night and today he's had more cramping and diarrhea, and when the cramps come on, it's awful. I just feel so helpless. I wish I could help him and ease the pain, but I don't know what to do. They switched his meds from Asacol to Lialda ( I think that's the name) about 2 weeks ago and he's been really bad since then.
It's just so frustrating, but I can't imagine how he must feel.

Anyway, I'm just blabbering on. Just felt like venting/talking.
Don't worry about venting, this is the place to do it! What meds is he on? Liaida and asacol etc are quite mild, they are really preventative meds to stop you getting ill again. Generally something stronger is needed to get you well in the first place. And does he have any strong painkillers, or anything to help with the cramps?
Don't worry about venting, this is the place to do it! What meds is he on? Liaida and asacol etc are quite mild, they are really preventative meds to stop you getting ill again. Generally something stronger is needed to get you well in the first place. And does he have any strong painkillers, or anything to help with the cramps?

Right now, he's on Lialda, and it's not working. The Asacol seemed to work better. His doctor won't prescribe pain meds, I'm not sure why. He's been pretty bad today, lots of cramps and diarrhea and sleeping. He's miserable.
Does he have an appointment set up with his GI doctor? If not, sounds like he needs to be seen to do not just a med check but maybe get some tests done to find out what's causing the pain. Once you know what and where its much easier to treat.
sounds like you might want to go and get checked and see if can get some pain killers or some bentyl which is an antispamitic which helps good with cramps. when i get the real bad cramps i end up having to go to the er and get some morphine or dilaiud. i am doing better know since i am on bentyl 4 times a day and robinonal which is a musclar rexlaor for the gut and gallbladder and mouth makes me sleepy and dry mouth but better then being doubled over in pain everyday.
I agree with afman, I have two doctors I goto for meds, they are in the same office but my GI will not prescribe pain killers but my regular doctor will and the GI knows what I am taking obviously and I tell you what, I thank god for them. The pain without them steals my breath literally away. I would seek out a doctor who understands what pain management is and how to use what is available effectively so that the risks of addiction and/or abuse are minimalized, I am now tapering slowly off the percocet by using a lower dose than i started with originally and it seems to be working. Hope you find a good doctor soon to help him find relief.
So sorry - I'm sure your support and understanding are more than enough for him right now, don't let the helplessness frustrate you too much; you offer him what no one else can during this difficult time. I hope your family gets some relief soon though!
Does he have an appointment set up with his GI doctor? If not, sounds like he needs to be seen to do not just a med check but maybe get some tests done to find out what's causing the pain. Once you know what and where its much easier to treat.

He just had one recently, and it was his doctor's last day, so he'll be switching doctors for his next appointment. He's stubborn and likes to wait it out and see if the pain gets better, despite me urging him to go.
sounds like you might want to go and get checked and see if can get some pain killers or some bentyl which is an antispamitic which helps good with cramps. when i get the real bad cramps i end up having to go to the er and get some morphine or dilaiud. i am doing better know since i am on bentyl 4 times a day and robinonal which is a musclar rexlaor for the gut and gallbladder and mouth makes me sleepy and dry mouth but better then being doubled over in pain everyday.

That's interesting, I will definitely tell him to check into it.
Because of pain killer addiction running through his entire family, he stays away from it, but I know today he would have taken almost anything. I have given him Lorcet one time, but he threw it back up not long afterwards. That was back when he had a blockage and had to have his stomach pumped. That was terrible!
Well hopefully if he is seeing a different doctor they will have a different treatment plan, since this one obviously isn't working!

Let's hope so. I haven't been to any checkups with him, but I may go to the next one. I am little more forceful than him.

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