Well, yesterday's appointments went awfully, except that Sarah is doing very well. Some incredible lack of professionalism, some poor treatment from Dr. B when I asked about whether 6MP could be responsible for Sarah getting a cold every 3 weeks all year long regardless of season. Our in-service with the GI nurse was cancelled, apparently, but nobody told us OR the front office staff, in fact they consented us for it when we arrived, so we waited in the waiting room for an hour for absolutely no reason and then we went home because I was too angry to sit and wait for the nutritionist whose visit was moot without the NG tube in-service anyway.
I would tend to agree that given Sarah's fantastic scope and general good health on methyl-prednisolone, and the reinforcement of her UC diagnosis, the issue of EN is pretty much moot right now, but since we haven't gotten the biopsies back yet I wasn't going to cancel, there's no harm in being prepared if they find a granuloma or something, I figured.
Well apparently the nurse and/or Dr. B decided the in-service on NG tube feeding was no longer necessary without bothering to tell anyone else. Either that or they decided that day that we didn't need it and went with "Oh, we cancelled that, didn't we tell you?"
Pretty aggravated. Like I said, they consented us for the in-service and nutritionist. Consent to bill, I mean. We had 3 papers to sign for each of the 3 appointments.
Add to that Dr. B's continued habit of not letting me ever get to the period in any of my sentences, and a shade of condescension and incredulity that I'd even consider taking her off the 6MP (I wasn't, I was asking if it could be responsible for her colds) when she's doing so well. Then telling me (not in so many words) that I'm *crazy* for wanting to discontinue one of Sarah's medications to keep the *baby* from getting sick... ugh. I was not happy. I wasn't being vague. I was quite clear, but Dr. B likes his shorthand, doesn't let you finish a sentence because he knows where you're going with it. Well he was anticipating me badly yesterday.
I'm super pissed today, which is making me feel ill. Ugh.