First of all, I realize that is not a very descriptive title, but fits best of all. I feel most of you completely understand.
Upon realizing how hard it can be to discuss how you are feeling, and why you are feeling like such, with family and friends, I decided to try and vent my feelings here- with those who understand exactly what it is like to have "just one of those days."
I am a young, female full-time college student. It's finals time. I'm trying to frantically figure out what I want to do after graduating (which is right around the corner). Of course the stress with this load only seems to cause more pain and fatigue.
I think what I was looking for most out of this post was to gain any insight at all of how to keep my sanity. I am still newly diagnosed (a little over a year now), but in a period of four months months, I had already spent a total of 19 days in the hospital, had two major abscesses drained, had a 12 inches of my colon removed. That's a lot for a young girl to take in a one time. That's alot for anyone to take in. I am now on Remicade treatments every 6-8 weeks. I like to think that they are helping, but I'm not sure what state I would be in without them to know for certain. Some days I just completely want to distance myself from all the people that love me because I am constantly struggling to accept it.
How do you deal with all of a sudden having your world turned upside down? Not knowing what may trigger flares? Being scared to be in the car for long periods of time in danger of having to immediately locate a semi-private restroom? Finding a new boyfriend and having to find a way to make him understand something that you yourself can't even wrap your mind around? How do you choose what to eat?
I know I have just completely bombarded you guys with a ton of questions.. but if anyone has any input on any of them, it would be greatly appreciated.:smile:
Upon realizing how hard it can be to discuss how you are feeling, and why you are feeling like such, with family and friends, I decided to try and vent my feelings here- with those who understand exactly what it is like to have "just one of those days."
I am a young, female full-time college student. It's finals time. I'm trying to frantically figure out what I want to do after graduating (which is right around the corner). Of course the stress with this load only seems to cause more pain and fatigue.
I think what I was looking for most out of this post was to gain any insight at all of how to keep my sanity. I am still newly diagnosed (a little over a year now), but in a period of four months months, I had already spent a total of 19 days in the hospital, had two major abscesses drained, had a 12 inches of my colon removed. That's a lot for a young girl to take in a one time. That's alot for anyone to take in. I am now on Remicade treatments every 6-8 weeks. I like to think that they are helping, but I'm not sure what state I would be in without them to know for certain. Some days I just completely want to distance myself from all the people that love me because I am constantly struggling to accept it.
How do you deal with all of a sudden having your world turned upside down? Not knowing what may trigger flares? Being scared to be in the car for long periods of time in danger of having to immediately locate a semi-private restroom? Finding a new boyfriend and having to find a way to make him understand something that you yourself can't even wrap your mind around? How do you choose what to eat?
I know I have just completely bombarded you guys with a ton of questions.. but if anyone has any input on any of them, it would be greatly appreciated.:smile: