One small piece of chicken with skin

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Oct 16, 2013
Ever since my resection, I haven't been able to eat skin off of anything. Tonight, I ate one small piece of chicken with skin on it. U have hhad incontinence and diarrhea. Could a small piece of skin do that? The only other thing I wonder about is olives
Olives. Olives keep me in the bathroom and I have a bag. lol

I really don't think it was the chicken skin, but I don't know your system and what it tolerates. My guess is the olives. UNLESS the chicken skin was really fatty, then it could have been the culprit, too. Try chicken skin again sometime, and leave the olives in the fridge. :)
My guess would be the fat content. Depending on what was removed in your surgery you may have a greater difficulty dealing with fat absorption. If so, it would explain what got you. You should notice this with any other fatty food that you eat though.

I personally find that chicken and turkey can be fairly strong gas producers for me now, so I am careful about how much of them I eat.
It could be either I would think. I cannot eat olives at all, they tear my gut up. The chicken skin may have been an issue only because it is harder to break down and also it might have had more fat content. Do you do well with other fats, like can you consume butter or other types of fats? If so, then it may have just been because the skin is harder to digest and your stomach threw more acid and such in to help break it down and that irritated your whole system. Adding the olives may have added to it as well since they normally are hard to digest.
I have to do a butter alternative. I had a resection six years ago and since then I can't eat the skin from potatoes or chicken.
Oh okay. I also cannot do any skins as well. If chicken skin gave you issues in the past, then I would bet that is what the culprit was. Hope your gut calms down soon.

I have to do a butter alternative. I had a resection six years ago and since then I can't eat the skin from potatoes or chicken.
I would try cutting up the skin into small pieces. Chicken is not chicken without skin, and while there is fat, the skin also holds an important source of nutrition for the body.

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