Opinion on symptom

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May 4, 2009
Hi everyone,
Just wondered if I could have your input on a symptom.
Basically, I have been starting to get my pain in a new place. It feels really really low, which makes me think its right at the end of my colon. Only it actually feels like I have a urine infection. Like my bladder and urethra are stinging. I first felt this a couple of months ago, and expected it was a urine infection so thought I would have pain when I peed, only it was followed by diarrhea. I feel this pain from time to time, with or without diarrhea, but never with any other urine infection symptoms.
Could this be a urine infection still, and I'm getting diarrhea coz of that? Or is this to do with crohns? I'm told my crohns is in my terminal ileum and colon.
I tried to explain this to my GI, but didnt get further than explaining the diarrhea and how often it has happened before him saying he wont do anything unless it gets more frequent. I didnt get the chance to expalin about where the pain is.
I'm just wondering if anyone has had any experience with this, as I know fistulas and other things can impact on other areas, but I don't really understand them and so I don't know if this could be it or not?
Any input would be really appriciated as I have kinda been pushing this worry to the back of my mind!
Hi Holly, from a recent crohns and colits meeting a surgeon specialist did mention how the bladder and the bowel is so close to each other and there for very easily can be a fistula. Hopefully this is not the case. Have you had a bladder test or blood test for it? If it is an infection you need to get it cleared up.
I havn't had it tested because I don't really think it is an infection.
It doesnt hurt at all when I pee and everytime I have had a urine infection before, it just gets worse and worse, but this is just the kind of burning sensation which comes and goes.
What sort of tests will the do to see if it is a fistula?
My next GI appointment is the end of Jan, and I don't fancy my chances of getting anything sooner because of the time of year.
I would go to a gyno and talk to them about it. It could be crohns related or it could be something else. Your best bet is to get your bladder and reproductive system checked and get it ruled out since your GI seems interested in well the GI track. It's better to be safe than sorry
Plus if you do have a fistulea it could be causing poop to go into your bladder and urinary track causing more infections and such
It could be a fistula and/or an abscess on the bladder so I would try to get it checked out. Mine were confirmed with a CT scan.
Ok, thanks guys.
I still feel a little unsure what to do about it though. Things are a bit difficult coz I'm at uni at the mo. And I am registered with a doctor in my university town. I'm only here now for another week before I go home for christmas, and I don't think I will get an appointment next week.
So that basically means leaving it untill Jan. I suppose I can just keep an eye on it untill then, see if it gets worse or stays the same.
I think I feel the pain when my bladder is getting full, its just a little twinge so isn't causing me too much grief, just a bit worrying!
Hi Holly,

I have Crohns in my terminal ileum to and whenever my bladder gets full, I don't really get the 'i need a wee' feeling I just get a lot more pain.

I was thinking that when my bladder gets full maybe it presses on the bad bit of my colon...??? I'm not very good at knowing exactly where things are in my stomach area though so this could be really wrong and just makes me sound a bit stupid!

I always forget to ask my doc!

Rachel x
Yeah, this is the sort of thing I have been thinking too. Only my pain feels like it is in my bladder rather than my usual stomachy pain. Its good to know that you have a similar kind of bladder thing though and its not just me!
I think this pain has calmed down a bit over the last couple of days and so have my stomach pains, so maybe its all connected. Strange!
Always getting funny niggling things with this disease! Who knows whats going on half the time!!
I had this pain so badly again last night. First time I had it in a while. I was in so much pain I didn't know what to do. I was wondering if I should go to the hospital but I have never been to a&e before and I was scared about going.
I told my house mate and we decided to call nhs direct, thinking that if they think I should go to the hospital they would tell me. I spoke to this nurse for ages! She was getting impatient with me because she was probably trying to tick boxes on the other side of the phone and I couldnt give her a streight answer. Well there isn't always a streight answer is there.
She told me to take two paracetamol and if it wasnt any better an hour and a half later to call the out of hours doctor at my surgery, if it got worse to go to hospital.
By this time it was 3.30 in the morning and so I took the paracetamol and dosed off. The next time I woke up it was 6.30 and the pain wasn't as bad.
Now I have got up and I still have the pain, not as bad as it was last night but I can still feel it. I'm wondering what to do.
I have taken two paracetamol again and I am thinking about calling my hospital to see if they have a GI I can talk to over the phone. As the hospital I see my GI in is about 75 miles away in my home town. There is a hospital here probably about a mile away or less.
If I cant do that then I think I will call my IBD nurse tomorrow, and maybe see my GP. If things get any worse then I will call that out of hours doctor the nurse told me to last night.
Why do these things have to happen on a sunday when everything is shut?

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