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Jul 22, 2009
Hello All.

I've just been for a bone density scan & I've been told I have osteopenia (pre-osteoporosis). They showed me a graph & my scores were at the very top end of the graph.

Hmmmmm. I've been taking max dose of budesonide (entocort) for about a year & a half. My Mum had osteoporosis. The radiologist said that it could be a combination of factors, including the fact that I'm very small & slight.

Does anybody else have this diagnosis?

Hope you're all doing ok, xxxxxxx
I have osteopenia as well. Have you ever been on pred? Ostoepenia could also be an indication that you aren't absorbing Vitamin D and if you aren't absorbing Vitamin D then you aren't getting enough calcium. The best thing to do would be to start exercising. Don't do too much at once but if you could do a few pushups or take a nice walk. You need to let gravity do it's work and push on your bones. You could also lift weights but don't do anything very heavy since your bones are brittle.
Hi violet

This is sad, hope you are ok? The quacks don't really warn us of the long term damage done by steroids, do they? Maybe it's not too late to repair the damage? I'm hoping I'm ok, cos I'm on HRT, and I did mention a bone density scan to doc last week, but he said it wasn't necessary cos I'm nearly done with Pred, hope he's right!
Take care, lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Hi Violet,

By "top of the graph," do you mean that your density levels were very close to normal, but just a bit under? If so, that was my case as well, when I had the scan done a few years ago. One of my readings was normal, but the other was one "standard deviation" low, so technically I do have osteopenia. Since then I've tried to be conscientious about taking my calcium every day, but honestly I never think of it and it doesn't affect my life at this point in any way. I don't think you need to be too concerned -- just take your calcium with vitamin D regularly and follow up on it occasionally with your doc.
Yep, got that too. I take calcium supplements. The doc wanted Boniva but it is a PITA to take.

We'll see how it goes.

Good Luck
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I attended a Crohn's Education day sponsored by the CCFA this past weekend. There were 5 seminars, one was on musculoskeletal concerns for IBD patients. According to the speaker (a rheumatologist at Jefferson Hospital in Philly) Crohn's and Colitis patients are at much greater risk for osteoporosis due to vitamin and mineral absobtion issues. Prolonged steroid use just compounds the problem.

So - Steroid use may not be the main factor in your diagnosis. We all need to be careful and take extra precautions to avoid osteoporosis due to our IBD.

I also ran into my old "Food doesn't affect Crohn's" doctor. He said bone density tests should be done after stopping steroids - something about it giving a false reading while on the steroids. But the rheumi said the density test should be done after three months ON the steroids, so obviously conflicting data there.

Good luck - I hope you are able to reverse it and build your density back up.

- Amy
Hey, thank you all for your responses, you lovely people. Huge hugs. xxx

Jeff, I'm thinking of trying yoga classes to begin with (I could do with something that combines exercise with relaxation). I was only on pred for a few months before I switched to budesonide (entocort).

Joan, I'm sending you a virtual pan of scouse with pickled beets!!

Olive, My scores were at the top of the graph, showing that I'm top end of osteopenia, at the beginning of osteoporosis (does that make sense?).

Amy, thanks. I think it probably is a combination of factors.

Mike, what's boniva? I remember my Mum having to take some weird meds for osteoporosis. She stopped them as they were a PITA, lol. Wonder if it's a similar type of med?

Hope you're all keeping well. xx
violetcreams said:
Hello All.

I've just been for a bone density scan & I've been told I have osteopenia (pre-osteoporosis). They showed me a graph & my scores were at the very top end of the graph.

Hmmmmm. I've been taking max dose of budesonide (entocort) for about a year & a half. My Mum had osteoporosis. The radiologist said that it could be a combination of factors, including the fact that I'm very small & slight.

Does anybody else have this diagnosis?

Hope you're all doing ok, xxxxxxx

I have been on Prednisone for 2 1/2 year now and I just had a bone density test done also and they told be I have Osteoporosis. I am on the Calcium with Vit D right now I am going to take those for 6 weeks then have another test done to see if it at least slowing down. My heart goes out to ya it just plain stinks. Never thought the prednisone would do all this but it has. I also am diabetic from this stuff. But my big issue is nothing else works for me. I am currently trying this new Aspiro drug with the hope it works and I can stop prednisone. But even if it doesn't work I think I am going to ween of the prednisone anyway and just take the chance on flaring bad just to see maybe by some chance I wont flare and I can go sometime off the prednisone. Fingers crossed.
Thanks Violet

got your Scouse, and I've wellied it! yum yum
BIG HUG your way

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