Does anyone use the Osto EZ Vent? If so, please give your opinion? I am expecting a free sample in the mail and just want to know if anyone has had good results in "burping" their bag without leakage. THX!!!!
I haven't used the product, but have been considering it. I spoke with the ET nurse about it, and she said that I'd still have to get up to 'burp it' (I was looking to sleep through the night without having to burp). Also, she said that you'd have to make sure to get the vent in the proper position otherwise there could be a little bit of leakage.
I'm sure I'll try it after the first time my bag blows...
I'm pretty lazy and if my bag is full of air in the middle of the night, I lay on my back, move the covers out of the way, hold the bottom of the bag way up into the air and just open the end of it the opposite way to when you empty the bag. Then ta da! The ballooning has gone, there's no mess and I didn't have to get off my arse to do it.
Vents already in the bags??? No, mine have filters in them, but once wet they are utterly useless. Michelle, I like your little trick, but what do you mean, the opposite way??
This product looks interesting, but its in the USA?
As in, you point it down towards the floor to empty it, where as I point it to the ceiling. That way the output runs away from the opening and the air comes out!
I'm really just too tired to go to the toilet in the middle of the night to do it. I keep some of that cleaning gel by the side of my bed In case there's a little output around the opening that gets on my fingers. I don't even bother to turn in the light lol
I used it once and didn't like it. It got clogged up pretty quickly and then I had to open it more with a toothpick. I use filterless/ventless bags and have no problems.
Yep, I do it the same as Michelle. I haven't had any accidents or leaks in the time I've been doing it. And even if I have to get up to empty my bag, I will often release the air before attempting to get out of bed. Otherwise, I'm sure I'll float all the way to the bathroom.
I live dangerously, though. I don't have the intelligence to keep something to clean myself up "just in case." I'm sure I'll be a real crank the first time stuff leaks out.
I have used them with good results. Occasionally, they would clog as mentioned above, but very rarely and they were worth the hassle. Before you use attach your bag, you have to wipe off the bag with alcohol to remove the outer glossy "film" of the bag before you use them. They say to wait 24hrs to use it, but I just use it right away - no problems. All in all, I highly recommend the product if gassiness is a problem.
Eventually, I discovered that sipping hot tea was my problem. When I stopped drinking it super hot, the gas went away!
Crohn'sGA - if you are in GA (as in USA) and want to chat sometime, I am in the ATL area and am always looking for a fellow Crohnie to chat with.