This has by far been my favorite thread. I only had my ileo for three months (Dec-Feb'92), didn't really have the opportunity to wear a bathing suit. I didn't have the best of luck with mine either. My skin had bad reaction to adhesive, couldn't get a good seal, had lots of leaks.
You guys are very inspirational though. I am currently facing permanent ileo. I'm having alot of anxiety due to previous difficulties. I cried watching the video Kello attached. My biggest concern is intimacy issues with my husband. He's already gave his support, but how he's really going to react, I don't know. He's never seen an ostomy, it can be quite shocking for the first time. It took him a while to get used to all the poop, snot, and vomit that comes with kids, how's he going to feel about his wife wearing her poo in a bag around her waste. Maybe I'm just be paranoid. Probably. He really is wonderful, and I know he loves me very much. I'm just scared. I just always want him to find me appealing. Part of a woman's sex appeal comes from how sexy she views herself. Right now I have a draining fistula and I don't feel the least bit sexy.
I only hope that I can capture some of your self confidence. You ladies rock, and guys too.
aw im so sorry =/ i can hear your heartache in this post.
ditto on the fistula=not the least bit sexy. before my ileo i was crapping myself like 20 times a day lol. not sexy.....
but still, i think its normal to mourn the loss of well 'being normal' you know? especially as your little digestive system has been something you have dedicated so much time and care almost feels like giving up on it

thats how i feel at least.
finally i got my head wrapped around the temp ileo (i havent had any intestine removed, it was just a diversion ileo), and like you am looking at making it permanent as my colon is still not a happy camper.
and that, i still struggle with. extremely.
so what im trying to say is that dont feel bad for feeling sad. you deserve to feel sad about a potential loss of normalcy.
oh and also, something for me that helps with my confidence IS being able to wear clothes that i like and feel good in. and the magic of it is that no one ever knows!! and that is confidence building to me, that i can pull off having a bag of poo on my stomach lol, with no change to who i am and who i project.
does that make sense?
its like those chicks you see who are wearing the WEIRDEST clothes or whatever, that anyone else would look like a freak in, but in some odd way she rocks it haha!
despite all that i still have self concious issues.....swimming in public or at a party or something...thats rough. more my body as a PG scars, stretch marks from damn pred, a birthmark on my leg, being so skinny and ill looking....those things i am more uncomfortable about... but having the stoma there just adds to it a little bit of course.
ah well. my guess is that if you do have to have a perm will be feeling so much better physically and emotionally, and have more confidence as a result. and that in turn will make you desireable to hubby, plus the fact that youll probably be in the mood more often hahah, and that will make you attractive too.