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Oct 29, 2013
Hi everyone,

My crohns has been doing not too bad for the last little while, but now my sciatic nerve is giving my problems. Ugh! If it's not one thing, it's another.
Anyone else have sciatic issues? Any idea how to deal with it? I have been applying heat
Oh gosh, no. :( I've dealt with sciatica problems on-and-off and they are brutal.

Unfortunately when I had sciatica problems, my GP threw NSAIDs (lots of naproxen sodium) at me and it sent me into a flare. Although it was also the only thing that helped. Now that I know that isn't an option for me (or anyone with IBD), though: she recommends doing exercises and stretches that strengthen your core and lower back. Heat really helps, and you may want to consider baths as well. Those really helped me and I felt I could move much more comfortably.

I found sleeping on my back was better for me, and also using a pillow under your knees to keep them slightly elevated. I also sleep with a memory foam knee pillow if I do sleep on my side.

I hope this helps!
Same thing happened to me last time with the meds. Last time I could barely walk, this time it's not so bad, so I don't want to make it worse. I will definitely keep applying heat. I have been working on strength training the core aswell.
Good luck! Occasionally if I feel it's very mild I might take a naproxen sodium to see if I can catch it before it gets bad, but just one of them (and on a full stomach). That usually will take care of it since it's a muscle relaxant, though obviously we need to be careful.
I haven't taken it myself, but I think so. It's an NSAID, so still try to be careful about it -- take it on an full stomach, and only if you absolutely need it. (Or, like I said up above, just once. It might be what you need to bounce back.)
Ok, I'm gonna put heat tonight and sleep with a pillow between my legs, see how it is in the morning.
Thanks for all your help, I appreciate it
The last time it got really bad and the naproxen sodium sent me into a flare, I eventually ended up in the hospital and I think the prednisone may have taken care of it for me in the time I was there. Otherwise I'm not really sure what to do about it long-term. There's lots of conflicting information about it out there.
Last time mine got bad I was on pain killers and physio. Since then when it's mild I apply heat and be very careful with my posture.
Not really, no. At the time I wasn't particularly active, but I have mild scoliosis and hyperpronation problems which I think may have contributed. (Also, absolutely no core strength.) She said it was just pinched somehow. I also got an MRI at the time, but all that really does is confirm, yep, it's pinched.