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May 31, 2010
I counted up the days, because someone said keep a diary, and in the last 75 days I have been in enough pain to need help for 56 of them. I can't get in to see a doctor, they are all full. Yes I have pain meds, Tylenol 3 almost out and Ketorelac, nasty but good. They work, but I need to get to the bottom of the pain. Any help here? Do I need to suck it up? :runaway:Frustrated!!!
I am in a similar, but perhaps smaller boat. I am in pain in the evenings, most days. But, my daytimes are usually OK. (tolerable for the most part) My nights, I moan and groan as food tries to desperately digest and make it through my body. Painful process, and to be quite frank I am OVER IT! So tired of feeling ****** (no pun intended) I rarely take pain meeds, as they only seem to constipate. I use a hot water bottle/heating pad and I am researching the medicinal marijuana route. I don't see the doc until Sept 12th.

YOU my friend, NEED to see a doc. Where do you live? I know that here in Canada, there's always a way to see a doc, but understand many countries do not have that luxury. I completely feel your pain, and REALLY hope you can get into see someone. Who do you normally follow up with? GP or GI doc? Good luck! Keep me posted!
Thanks Kacey,
I did get an appointment with my GP, for next Friday, so I can suck it up until then. I lost my cool, doesn't help anything. I need to grab some more patience. You know?, when they use to say this will cause constipation, I would say bring it on!!! Never had constipation at all. Now?!, you bet, I had to take a stool softener. I am on Remicade, I think that is the difference. The medicine is working, but I may be reacting to it.
I don't think you need to, "Grab some patience". If you're in pain, you're in pain and if you need to be seen, you need to be seen. Don't be hard on yourself, you DESERVE quality and expedient care.


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