Out of control

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Jul 17, 2014
Hi everyone,

I have been on prednisolone for 8 weeks finished that dose and got really ill again and had to start back up at 20mg that wasn't working so upped again to 30mg and I've been on that dose for 2 weeks now. I really can't cope with how I feel I'm angry and upset all the time. I feel like I'm about to really lose my patience at work EVERYTHING is upsetting me. What am I supposed to do? I am meant to stay on this dose until I start my humira well until it starts working they said but I just don't see how that's possible I can't function properly at work :frown:

Thanks for reading and I hope I'm not the only person that feels crazy while taking this horrible drug.
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Yvonne, I have been on prednisone multiple times (like 30+ times) over the years and it does something new each time it seems. It does seem to mess with my patience, I'm a lot more direct sometimes on it (like now) and I'm not sure how my family put up with me over the years. After being on it twice this year for long periods of tapering I'm on a quick shot of 1 week 40, one week 10 and then off. I think the key to dealing with it is to realize that Prednisone does affect your behavior and each person reacts a bit different. Try to hang in there, avoid situations at work where you know you will have issues. (Stupid coworkers for example)
I think I've only been on it 3 times prior to this time thankfully but I really am being badly affected by it this time. Thankfully work wasn't too bad at the end of the week and it's the weekend now! Thanks for your reply I hope you get some relief with this dose you're on now.
I am week three of eight on a tapered 40 mg dose of prednisone and i find the same thing. I feel hyper and irritated at everything , even my family has noticed the personality change in me since i am usually very easy going. I feel impatient, irritated and anything can make me wound up and i cant seem to stop thinking about it.
i haven't been sleeping so my doctor prescribed zopiclone to help sleep which it does but i notice in the morning i have dizzy spells. I am trying to work and not have my staff think i lost my mind.
I'm now down at 5mg and hoping I can get off it without any issues this time but I'm already experiencing the body aches and pains that usually start when I taper.

I hope you're doing ok on your dose now I know I did feel a bit better by the time I got to 20mg but having been on it so long I do still feel a bit agitated, irritated and impatient. I didn't need the sleeping pills this time but I found I wasn't sleeping long 5-6 hours seemed to be all I managed and I'm sure I needed more than that a night
I am down to 15 mg this week per day. Still irritated and quick to anger. Not sleeping much as i am trying not to use sleeping pills. I am also not noticing it is not working as well with the return of pain and change in B.M's. Could be stress related triggering it. See my specialist next week to start transfer to immunosuppressants and TNF's.
That's round about when I usually notice it's not working anymore. Such a horrible drug and only seems to help me when I have it IV first then move onto pill form.

What are they putting you on is it Humira?
i have to decide which TNF i want. I have te decide between Humira and Remicade....i am choosing Humira since i can do at home. I am also choosing Imuran and not methotrexate since i have heard there are less side effects with Imuran. Are you on any of these and what have you experienced?
I've just recently started Humira 6 weeks ago so I've had both loading doses and two normal doses. I've got a urine infeciron just now which I probably picked up because of my lowered immune system and I keep getting cold sores that take longer than normal to heal but apart from that I don't have any side effects. Just waiting to see if this is working. They want to put me on 6MP too but I think we'll need to wait and see if it's working before they do that.

I've been on Imuran and it didn't agree with me but it may have been related to something else I don't know. I had body aches with it and they told me to stop it.
YAY cold sores...already got those on steroids....my doctor wants me on both TNF and immunosuppressants at same time.
I was prescribed other medication to deal with the insomnia, extreme restlessness and other psychological effects of prednisone. A lot of people dislike the idea of treating medication side effects with more medication, but I have no regrets at all, it worked perfectly for me. There are many medications that can help calm you - it can be a bit hit and miss working out what works for you (I've also found prednisone gives me different side effects each time I take it [and prednisolone, I've had that too]), it might be something to ask your doctor about if you're still having problems. Prednisone affects many people mentally, you don't always have to just try and manage with these symptoms, sometimes doctors can treat them like they treat many physical symptoms or side effects.
Thanks UnXmas. I'll definitely keep that in mind when I go back on them again I've only got another 4 days to go and I'm finished and hoping to stay off them for a bit but who knows.
I had my dose of prednisone increased back up and started on Methotrexate 50mg. Waiting on Humira to be approved by my insurance. Not feeling so great and symptoms came back when I tapered down to 15 mg of steroids. Not happy , mood is terrible and feel depressed, restless etc. Seeing doctor and wondering about asking about a medication to help side effects of steroids. Also I am finding it really difficult to work thru this flare which seems to have no end in site. I don't know which is worse the disease or the treatment right now.
Shamrock, my wife has heard that from me (I don't know which is worse, the disease or the treatment) each time I have been on prednisone since we got married 37 years ago. Weight gain, mood swings, leg cramps in middle of night , and more. I got off of prednisone last weds. However, I had the joy of a two day prep the previous week for a balloon colonoscopy to expand scar tissue from previous surgeries. Your statement is very appropriate in just about everything I have to deal with in crohns. Anyone who experiences prednisone on a long term basis probably feels like you, and the satisfaction of getting off the stuff. But it works and is dirt cheap.

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