Ovarian abscess turned fistula

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Aug 10, 2010
hey everyone :) Hope things are generally going well. I've been keeping very busy with school and don't get on here as much as I would like... but I hope you guys can help me with something I've been wondering about.

Though I have Crohn's, my symptoms have always been very different from the Crohn's stereotype. I don't live with the typical pains, I've never had a problem eating, and I don't get diarrhea. All I have is what I perceive to be excessive gas and some gas pain that is relieved when I let it go. When I was first diagnosed I had blood in my stools, but for the past seven years I've been mostly blood-free.

It's weird though, because even though I generally feel pretty normal, things are not quiet in terms of the gut inflammation. I had surgery about two years ago for a fistula-turned-ovarian-abscess that had festered for a period of months, and the entire time it was there my only symptoms were fever and some vague periodic abdominal discomfort (like gas pains). My last colonoscopy showed some inflammation still going on at the anastomosis. It's kind of scary because even though I feel pretty good, I could have something serious going on and not even realize it...

Is anyone out there like me? I feel like I can't really trust my body to tell me what's going on.
I have to admit this is something that worries me. I have suffered with 'tummy troubles' all my life- starting with being diagnosed with intolerance or allergy to cow's milk as a baby. What if what I consider normal, isn't?

Do your bloods generally show if you are flaring? If so it would be a good idea to have regular tests done. If not, maybe you could get something none invasive like an ultrasound done regularly? Even though the imaging isn't great, it's the lowest risk test you can have, and it would at least show any major problems, or subtle changes over time.
Wow, thats lucky for you that your symptoms are not too bad....although I would be worried too. I would watch for the fever, that a sign that something could be seriously wrong. Otherwise, I wouldnt worry too much.....just be glad its not as bad as it could be.
Symptoms is something for everyone individual.I could have severe stomach pain and not even be flaring(just a little bit-a lot gasy)and sometimes I flare badly and only see it through my blood tests.
It also depends alot on your pain tolerance level.
thanks for the responses, you guys. i saw my GI today and he thinks i have a partial blockage. it's kind of out of the blue and i'm frustrated that i didn't realize this was happening sooner... now pending an MRI and colonoscopy i'll probably go on an anti-TNF. i really hope something works - i don't want another surgery!
Hi Cally - Thanks for the update. Hope you can get the blockage cleared up and that some new meds help!

- amy
I had a similar experience last year. I had been feeling quite well, then I went to an appointment with my GI where she found a mass. Put me into hospital, on steriods and anti-biotics. My inflammation levels were very high at the time, so I had many tests - ultrasound, MRI, colonoscopy etc etc. It turned out that I had a mass of inflammation (can't remember exactly where) so, unfortunately, had to have surgery. My GI said that although i thought I was feeling well at the time I wouldn't realise until after the surgery just how unwell I was feeling (does that make sense??). She was right - after I recovered from the surgery I felt 100% better than I had been. Before I had the surgery I was puzzled why I wasn't feeling awful and showing symptoms of a full blown flare (although kind of glad I wasn't!), and I was feeling let down by my body especially as I had been looking after it better than I had in a long time. I am now on humira which is helps - I don't want to lose any more of my bowel than I already have! Good luck with your treatment. :hang:
thanks for the support :)

it's so true about not realizing your gradual decline... the signs are so subtle for me, and it sounds like they were for you too, pjmel. hindsight is 20/20!

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