Pain and cramping 2 weeks leading to up to a period

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Jul 16, 2011
pain and cramping 2 weeks leading to up to a period

Hello Ladies,

2 weeks before my period starts I get pain, cramping, C and D. Some months can be worse than others. The pain can get so bad that I am doubled over and want to vomit. At first I would be constipated and then I can have 6+ loose BMs on these days. During this time straight after sex would cause unbearable pain. Any arousal (just thinking about it) would cause cramping and pain. Once I get my period I feel much better and during and for the week after sex is pleasurable without pain (TMI I know).

Does anyone else suffer like this? I am wondering if it is caused by the crohns, endometriosis or adhesions from all the surgery (appendix, 3 resections, 2 laproscopies and 1 laparotomy to divide adhesions). I have been suffering for a couple of years now. I haven't been to the GI as I am afraid I will need more surgery.

Any advise or similar stories?
Oh dear, that's no good. I get crampy and diharia is worse when my period is coming up as well. My breasts hurt to, just to throw that in for fun. Everyone is different, yours sounds like my experience, only more pernounced. I would say that the tenderness of your lower belly is directly causing the pain you are expereincing with sex. I don't have any advice, but you are right in your line of thinking. Tough decision, I hope you can find relief without surgery.
Oh boy, I can relate. My periods are awful. They last for at least 10 days each (at least!), and the lead up to them is just awful on my Crohns. I have gotten some testing done this year to see if anything else is wrong since they are so bad, but the tests have not gotten me anywhere. I am guaranteed to miss at least one day of work a month because of period pain or my period bringing on my Crohns (usually both).
I hope you figure out what is right for you. As for me, I am at my wits end!
Thanks for your replies. I thought I was alone. The last 2 weeks have been awful. My hot water bottle hasn't been far away. Thankfully my period arrived today so it should start to ease now.

I hope we can get some answers soon. I am at my wits end too!
It could be either endometriosis or adhesions. But you would think that your general surgeon who performed your resections and laparotomy would make a note in his report of your surgeries if any endometriosis was noticed. Have you seen copies of your surgeon's reports?

I have similar pain. We're assuming it's from adhesions because there's not been any mention of endometriosis in my last surgery report. I've had vaginal ultrasound to look for causes of the pain. All that's noted there is that the uterus is sort of out of place. CT scans for Crohn's surveillance have also only showed a displaced uterus. We suspect adhesions are pulling it to the side and back.

Endometriosis appears prior to menstruation as the estrogen fluctuates or increases. But that same action also causes the pelvic organs to sort of swell in anticipation of menses. If you have adhesions, that's where the pain may be coming from, too.

I've had two resections, two fistula surgeries, and one c-section delivery. My gynecologist is hugely understanding of this pain and prescribes narcotics. They do help, but when the pain is at its worst, I'm unable to function outside my home, even with narcotic help. It's horrible and nauseating.

I don't want to have another surgery, such as a hysterectomy. I suspect there will be another resection at some point, and maybe adhesions can be lysed then.

Have you had an ultra sound or other tests to rule out any other causes for this pain? I hope you can get help with your pain and get copies of your surgeon's reports. Good luck.
I'm in a similar situation. I woke up with other night with really severe cramping down the lower left of my abdomen. I don't think I have ever felt so much pain, I could barely stand up to go to the bathroom, in fact I had to remain bent over whilst slowing trying to walk. When I got to the bathroom I saw that my period had started. Almost 2 weeks ago one of the doctors told me he could see on the MRI i had an egg on my left ovary, and I actually had some poking pains there on and off, so that's probably what that was from. I'm just wondering if all the pain I experienced the other day at the start of my period is normal. I'll have to mention it to my Gastro doctor on Monday.
I don't think severe pain is normal. If you don't already have a gynecologist, it would be a good idea to go and talk to one. Your gastroenterologist could likely recommend a competent, caring gynecologist for you. Or your mom may know one.

I hope you feel better and don't experience pain like that again. If you find out more regarding the cause, please let us know. Good luck.

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