Pain below rib cage left side - thoughts?

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Jul 24, 2014
H has pain under her rib cage left side. She's been complaining, not much, but same spot over the last few days. It is tender to the touch, but no redness visible to me. Not crying pain, just a frown and she holds the area every once in awhile.

Yesterday, she pulled back from food and upped her EN. She is also on Humira. BM's are once a day regular, but starting to deteriorate a little from the Humira "perfect" poops we were having (yesterday 1/2 formed, 1/2 mush).

Any thoughts?
Could be any number of things
But Gi is best to figure out if it's urgent
Watch and wait or having a md poke it sorta thing....
Good luck
Hope she's feeling better. Is Humira due soon? M's Humira shot would wear off by 10 days and she would have increased pain the days before it was due.
She's at day 9 after the shot, so that could be the issue.

She had a BM that looked good later today and her side felt much better afterwards. So, maybe it was just a BM thing. It wasn't hard, so I'm not sure why it would cause her pain, and it has been off and on that she's gotten the pain, so I don't know. I actually called them back and said don't worry about it.
How are things going Pilgrim?

Where is H’s Crohn’s located? If large bowel do you know where exactly?

Dusty. xxx
She's feeling ok. BM's fine again, but still upped the EN (went from about 50% to 75% caloric intake). The tenderness hasn't returned in the past day.

Crohn's in large bowel. All TI imaging was indeterminate. We don't know where the damage is located there either because the bowel wall was friable when he went in with the scopes and he stopped for fear of perforation before the first bend.

We don't have a lot of information.
I hope things stay settled. :ghug:

Okay, if I am interpreting the location of what you are saying is the first bend correctly (where yellow becomes green in the image) then it would be where she has the pain…


…perhaps her disease was particularly severe here and the Humira will soon fully kick in and mop things up, bless her. :heart:

In my thoughts.

Dusty. xxx
You are such a thoughtful person. Thank you so much. And I appreciate the visual.

I hope the same thing re: Humira and am hoping to get her scoped again towards the summer if it seems like she is doing better at that point. I'd like to get a better idea of the extent of the disease.

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