Pain in left side,possible blood,sorry tmi :(

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Apr 26, 2013
Hi everyone,i originally joined here to get advice about my son who has a lot of stomach pains etc but now i'm asking for me. Was diagnosed with inflamed stomach in 2000 and ibs a few years ago. Mainly constipated but every so often i get a 'can't leave the bathroom for a day', only once or twice a yr though. Anyway had a baby last yr and about 6 weeks later i got dysphagia (couldn't swallow), throat felt swelled up,back was in agony , pain between ribs but just under iykwim,diarrhea,had endoscopy last sept and it was completely clear,no coeliac either. October i ended up in a&e with bowel impaction & orange mucus/steatorrhea,got meds,was fine. March this year i started getting a pain in my left side,it's above my hip and below the ribcage. Kept getting hot flushes and raised temps (37.7/37.9,etc) Heaps of mucus coming out,all yellow/orange. All my bloods have been normal except for low iron,i've always been quite low,at one stage a few years ago i was down to 3 and almost went for transfusion but managed to get them back up thankfully with loads of supplements and steak every day. I digress sorry,well getting this left sided pain,on and off,it's like there's a swelling there or inflammation but there isn't....that i can see or can be felt by doctor anyway. Had appt with gastroenterologist last week so started taking a few pics of what is actually coming out,seemed to see a lot of red streaks in the stool but though as toilet roll was clear it was prob food i was seeing. Then a couple of weeks ago i had one movement that seemed to be covered in blood,not mucus. Took photo to my gp the next day and she agreed. My appt was v soon so she said take pics with you,i did and gastro dismissed them as 'prob not blood'. She said my symptoms were prob ibs but my left sided pain was 'unusual' so she would do colonoscopy,no idea when (irish public health system). I also had to do a faecal calprotectin test which i handed to the lab monday just gone. Today the pain is back,temp a little up and i have gone 3/4 times to the bathroom,pain doesn't lessen when i go and the last time i went i saw darker stool with light bright red streaks covering it and possibly running through it. Is this urgent or will i just hold off and wait and see when i get the appt for colonoscopy...or should i ask for faecal occult blood test at gp tomorrow? Quite new to this but have googled myself into a tizzy so not sure what's going on. I hope this is the right place to put this...sorry.
Hi. I think you should talk to the doctor asap. Better safe than sorry. Youare the best judge of your own body and if something is off. I hope this gets sorted out and you start feeling better soon.
Thanks DJW,i just wonder is there anything more that my gp can actually do for me,here in ireland they just hand out diagnosis where possible,do bloods and give prescriptions,all other procedures are done in a hospital and the waiting lists are v long.
I'm sorry, I don't know. I've been very blessed to have a great medical team all the way along. I wish I could be of more help. Hopefully someone else will be able to answer that question.
Hi Dusty,thank you but this query is actually for me :) I still don't know what is going on with my son unfortunately. :(
:facepalm: That will teach me to not read past the first line! Sorry! :redface:

Dusty. xxx

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