I am a Crohn's disease patient who has had the disease for 16 years. I have had my large bowel/colon removed due to what was thought to be a very harsh case of colitis but was later found to be Crohn's. I have an internal pouch that was created at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. I have been on Imuran since 1999. I live a very normal life by the standards of my patients in that I can eat a variety of things, exercise regularly, and feel okay most of the time.
I do have a question for anyone out there though. I also have had an anal fistula/abscess since 2007. I started taking a larger dosage of Imuran after a fisutalotomy and it helped to some extent. I have to take 2-3 sits-bathes a day to keep it clean and the swelling down. A drain was inserted into the tissue during the fistulatomy and it drains puss, blood, and stool (since it reaches into my bowel). My local chapter of Crohn's/Colitis support group was supportive but no one there had ever had one before. Can anyone provide me with any 1) ways that I have not thought of to help lessen its impact and 2) any ways to help it heal (I realize this may not happen).
I do have a question for anyone out there though. I also have had an anal fistula/abscess since 2007. I started taking a larger dosage of Imuran after a fisutalotomy and it helped to some extent. I have to take 2-3 sits-bathes a day to keep it clean and the swelling down. A drain was inserted into the tissue during the fistulatomy and it drains puss, blood, and stool (since it reaches into my bowel). My local chapter of Crohn's/Colitis support group was supportive but no one there had ever had one before. Can anyone provide me with any 1) ways that I have not thought of to help lessen its impact and 2) any ways to help it heal (I realize this may not happen).