Pain under my ribcage

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Apr 21, 2009
so i was doing more research and ive seen that crohns pain is usually in your right lower side i didnt think much of it untill i started having a flair ish thing a few days ago. the pain is under my ribcage like i just want to open it and it would feel better. i went to my primary dr and he thought it was indigestion or something but the meds dont help and it feels like it did when i was diagnosed with cd but i dont know if it can hurt there. ive not been able to get ahold of my gi and my mom said i should come on here and see if any of you had an idea of what this could be. is it a crohns pain or something else. and it gets worse at night so should i ride it out go to the er or what? i really dont want to have to go to the er i have 12 days left of school and were getting ready for our finals or in the middle of finals.

so any ideas you may have i would really like to hear! thanx!!!!:D
try not to compare yourself too much to what is "where crohns pain USUALLY is".
everyone is different and you may never have a day of your life where you have pain in the "usual area".

and what is normal for one patient can be a sign that something is seriously wrong for another, does that make sense?
we each have to figure out what our own normal is, which is NOT an easy task lol, and then go from there. in my opinion, thats really the only benchmark we can use.
...yeah, I have heard about the pain in the right side being common in Crohn's... my pain has always been on my LEFT side, just a general dull pain. My GI is aware of it, and doesn't seem to be too concerned. I always worry it's my liver, I'm getting a scan next month to be sure. If the pain is really really bad, and unbearable, go see the doc now... If it's general discomfort/pressure, mention it next time you're in.
Spoon Ninja,
Try won't hurt either way. GasX. It works great if it is gas. The stuff works wonderful..I took it after colonscopy and would have wound up in ER for it. Its worth a try. Let us know how your are. Email me if you need anything.

Is the pain middle, right or left sided under the rib cage? My thought is possibly gallbladder problem if right sided pain, b/c that causes pain under the ribcage and is common for it to be worse at night. Just my thought. I hope you feel better!
ive has my gullbaldder removed, had gull stones and the whole thing just didnt work at all. but its like a band around my ribs but only in the front. the only thing that makes it feel a little bit better is siting indian style and folding myself over a pillow. then that causes my back to hurt lol i cant win. and ive tried the gasx before they even gave me a script for something it was a lil purple pill dun know what it was tho...but its right under my chest on my ribs so yeah idk.