Pain...when to call doctor?

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Jan 31, 2012
I've been having moderate abdominal pain for the last several days. It kind of radiates all over the lower abdomin, but there is an area of sharper pain on the lower right side. I haven't had much appetite...eating very little. Slight nausea, but no vomitting. No diarrhea and no bleeding. Mainly just pain.

I am due for my remicade infusion next week. Should I wait it out? Call the GI clinic? What do you think this could be?? Please advise...thanks.
I haven't been on Remicade myself, but I think it's normal to start feeling bad when you're getting close to your infusion date. However, if what you're feeling is not normal for you, it wouldn't hurt to give your doctor's office a call. How long have you been on Remicade?
I think you should call this time and also ask your doctor for the future, when do you want me to call? fever--how high? how long? pain? how much? location? blood? how much/ or how many times? etc In any case,if you are concerned call. The doctor is there to help you.

Always contact the doctor, if you are worried then nothing is better at putting your mind at ease than a professional.

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