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My pain has changed now: I have pain in the rectum when i have a bm and especially after, it's a strong burning pain, 10 minutes really strong, then slowly getting better but still noticeable after an hour. I also saw small blood traces in the toilet, not on the toilet paper (no haemorrhoids). Last time the scope results were clear (8 months ago) in that area. Is it possible that it's just an irritation? Not really, right?
I see another specialist next week, fortunately. Seems as if a rectoscopy might be a way to see what is going on. Can anyone confirm that? I'm not so much into a full colonoscopy now.
Searched and this is what i found. Examination of your anal canal and rectum for abnormalities.
During a digital rectal exam, your doctor inserts a gloved,
lubricated finger into your rectum. He or she feels for anything
unusual, such as growths. The exam can give your doctor an
indication of what further testing might be appropriate.
Visual inspection of your anal canal and rectum. Because
internal hemorrhoids are often too soft to be felt during a
rectal examination, your doctor may also examine the lower
portion of your colon and rectum with an anoscope,
proctoscope or sigmoidoscope. These are scopes that allow
your doctor to see into your anus and rectum.
Your doctor may want to do a more extensive examination of your
entire colon using colonoscopy. This might be recommended if:
Your signs and symptoms suggest you might have another
digestive system disease
You have risk factors for colorectal cancer
You're older than age 50 and haven't had a recent
Thank you, Christi, I found as well that rectoscopy offers the chance to take tissue samples for biopsy, so that might be an option. I will ask for that when I see the specialist.
I have got three fissures (other doctor in my home town did not see anything btw, I'm so disappointed and shocked), one of them is deeper, so I have to have an MRI to see if it's just a fissure or already a fistula. I can't believe it, I went to the local gastroenterologist and he could not see anything that explains my symptoms, while another doctor can. So I won't go to my local doctors in the future, that's for sure.
Hopefully I can get the medication before 25th, I want to get rid of that pain asap!

Merry Christmas to everyone by the way!
After a bad bout of diarrhea, I developed a sore rectum & surrounding area. My Dr. recommended Desitin, a diaper rash creme. Symptoms got better on their own so I haven't tried it yet.
Thank you Molly-Baby, my pain hasn't decreased yet, really, if it persists, I will ask my doctor about that next time I see him.

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