Painful question

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May 10, 2012
painful question

Ok maybe this is TMI...or maybe not considering I'm on a Crohn's site....but I'm newly diagnosed since last month, and I have a really simple question. I'm trying to deal with the simple things first as I adapt to my disease, and one of my most urgent things to deal with is this....what does everyone do about having a sore bottom ALL THE TIME??? I have Diarhea all day most generally every day and my bottom is very sore! It's red and irritated, and bathing and putting powder on it aren't helping! I've used cottonelle wipes rather than toilet paper to make sure I'm clean enough, and I pat dry with toilet paper. Then I leave it alone. I've taken oatmeal baths to soothe it. I'm still in pain and have what seems to be not really blisters, but almost a rash. Does anyone else have any suggestions on products I can try????:ymad:
Well I can tell you the best thing I do, is use proshield plus, it's an ointment,skin protectant
They use it in the hospitals for babies diaper rash, I find it really helps me, you can get it at the drug stores over the counter. It's in a green tube.
Hope I've helped. Good luck!
Nothing is ever TMI in these crohns forums :p The only thing that ever helps me is proctosedyl it kind of numbs the affected area, but i suggest you reapply after you go to the bathroom each time. Hope this helps :ybiggrin:
Calmoseptine is great for getting relief.
Sitz bath can also help heal sore bum skin and fissures.
Baby wipes are also a must for sore bums.
i use sitz baths they help soothe it and i also just use plain old vaseline. I dont wipe anymore, i more or less just pat....and have been known to clean with a squirt bottle I will even use epsom salts in the it--and then pat dry/clean with cotton guaze pads. They seems to be very gentle on my sore bottom. Esp when my fistulas are acting up.
baby wipes or toilet wipes, a soothing cream (not sure of brand names in the US) followed by vaseline to protect the area next time. I sometimes find a mixture of a thrush cream like canestan along with a corticosteroid cream to be really helpful but you have to be careful using the steroid cream too much or it'll cause more problems. Try some canestan (thrush cream) though as it will do no harm and the problem may be being aggravated by a fungal infection. Hope someones suggestions help. all the best,
Hi Sarahsoda :) Glad you found us-This is one place you can talk about anything! Your question wouldn't even register on the TMI scale around here lol ;)

Calmoseptine is the best thing for me with a sore backside. It is OTC but they keep it behine the counter so you have to ask the pharmacist for it at most places. Also, try wiping with Tucks pads rather than toliet paper and see if this doesn't provide some relief also.

Sitting in a sitz bath also helps me alot-hot water up to your hips with a half cup Epsom salts for about 20 minutes.

Hope this helps you out, and feel free to ask any and all questions you may have-we are all here to help!
Preparation H has some medicated wipes that work really well, also if you do go with preparation H ointment, get the cooling gel. It doesnt smell like the regular kind and will soothe your bottom.

I use scott T Paper, sometimes the others leave clingons or irritate..
When I ever had a sore bottom (especially after my perianal fistula surgery) I used TUCKS wipes as recommended by my surgeon. You typically find these in the section of a store where you will find things to treat hemorrhoids. They come in a big tub and they also have convenient ones you can put in your purse, bag, wherever. :)

They are ph balanced, dye free, hypoallergenic, and flushable.
Hi there!

I had horrible diahreea for about 5 months to the point where i couldnt do anything not even sit.

Unfortuneately i was irritated by things such as Tucks pads/wipes so couldnt use them. I honestly just found that using a squirt bottle to clean and soothe, i use alot of vaseline after ever bathroom visit, and would soak in an epsom salt sitz bath. For me i just found that simple was best. And also non threaded guaze pads were much softer on my bottom then toilet paper. I would pat and squirt clean as much as i could then used the guaze pads to make sure i was cleaned up. They work well wet and are very gentle.
Preparation H wipes and Tucks soothing cream! I carry that stuff around in my purse. It helps with me, because I have painful anal fissures.
I've had the sore butt happening for 3 months now and used an over the counter oitment called Zink Oxyde whihc is standard diaper rash ointment. It worked for me and is getting my cheeks back to normal.:ybiggrin:
When this happens to you guys does it feel like the area is swollen or hard as well? I've been for a few days now and it feels like I've got tons of paper cuts when I go to the bathroom. I take lots of sitz baths, use anusol and just today I bought the preperationH wipes and baby wipes. Still nothing really gives me relief. It hurts to walk,stand, sit,etc. The only time it doesn't hurt is when I'm in the bath but right after I get out the pain comes back
Yes, sometimes swollen - I guess just because of the inflammation but I don't think i've felt it hard, just sore. Hopefully the wipes and prep h will give you some relief in the days to come once some of the 'paper cuts' have heeled.
I've had the sore butt happening for 3 months now and used an over the counter oitment called Zink Oxyde whihc is standard diaper rash ointment. It worked for me and is getting my cheeks back to normal.:ybiggrin:

I've been told by my doctor to use zinc oxide too, may be worth a try. And salt baths are great for any inflammation both to soothe and heal.
Thanks for all the helpful tips. I've been using generic diaper rash oinment...the white kind...I can't remember what it's called...Desitin? It's working to sooth it and heal it up fast! Never thought in my adult life I'd be using our daughter's left over diaper rash ointment now that she's big enough not to be needing it. Sigh.
Also, my doctor gave me a prescription for kanasa. It's a small suppository you put in every night to help heal anal fissures, which are small cuts that have a hard time healing. It is helping me.
I've tried it all! Sitz baths after a BM help and also have your pharmacy order you some Recti Care, I think it's the best as far as pain relief. It REALLY helps!
Calmoseptine is a mix of high potency zinc oxide and calamine. It is the best, hands down for these types of problems. You have to get it behind the counter at the pharmacy, and it comes in a huge tube.
When this happens to you guys does it feel like the area is swollen or hard as well? I've been for a few days now and it feels like I've got tons of paper cuts when I go to the bathroom. I take lots of sitz baths, use anusol and just today I bought the preperationH wipes and baby wipes. Still nothing really gives me relief. It hurts to walk,stand, sit,etc. The only time it doesn't hurt is when I'm in the bath but right after I get out the pain comes back

K, be careful with the baby wipes, as I think it caused me increased itching, which in turn caused me what looks like lacerations on the inside of my cheeks an anal tags. And yes, I have pain like needles when I get into the shower too. I've used the zink oxide but Prednisone is what's helping to heal the skin and make it so I can sit down. I feel your pain, my brother in Crohn's. It stopped the itching and healed which in turn has muted the pain.:stinks:
I second the squirt bottle maneuver... the constant wiping will make you terribly raw, just squirt what you can and pat or blot the rest. I also take a hot sitz bath with epsom salt after every BM whenever possible. There are many creams and ointments... for over the counter, I prefer Desitin Creamy (just happened to have it leftover from my daughter as well, LOL). For prescription- I've used Analpram and Proctofoam... both work pretty well... although I can't use any of them when I have open wounds, fissures, or incisions. Be careful with wipes, I've found that most of them burn!

For treating the diarrhea, I've heard Psyllium Husks can work wonders! There are a few threads on here about it, but I would definitely ask your doctor about it first.
Best of luck!
My doc prescribed canasa suppositories that helped me tremendously!!! They are a little uncomfortable to use, but the really work well.
You need some imodium, lomotil, bentonite clay or something. Then you wont go as much which will be the solution to your sore bottom.

Try vitamin E oil. Get the highest amount of IU's like 10,000 or more. help with the healing process

PS: nothing is TMI in a crohns forum... :) Hope I helped you a little.. Good luck

Ok maybe this is TMI...or maybe not considering I'm on a Crohn's site....but I'm newly diagnosed since last month, and I have a really simple question. I'm trying to deal with the simple things first as I adapt to my disease, and one of my most urgent things to deal with is this....what does everyone do about having a sore bottom ALL THE TIME??? I have Diarhea all day most generally every day and my bottom is very sore! It's red and irritated, and bathing and putting powder on it aren't helping! I've used cottonelle wipes rather than toilet paper to make sure I'm clean enough, and I pat dry with toilet paper. Then I leave it alone. I've taken oatmeal baths to soothe it. I'm still in pain and have what seems to be not really blisters, but almost a rash. Does anyone else have any suggestions on products I can try????:ymad: