Parents Chat January 16, 8-10 pm EST

Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:

Mar 17, 2013
After such a great response requesting to have a live chat we will have one for us Parents of Kids with IBD this Thursday, January 16 from 8-10 Eastern Standard Time (EST). Come hang out and 'talk' to each other about successes, concerns and other topics. All are welcome!

At the top of your browser, below the website logo click the Chat to join in!
........great, they won't have to ask me to be the designated driver.:ylol:

And I was so looking forward to having a Party Bus with the disco lights, fur lined seats and dance pole in the centre!! :D If FW's driving, 3 guesses who'll be dancing??? :lol:

We actually rented one for my daughter's 16th birthday! :eek: All her friends were throwing these huge bashes at banquet halls, etc. and I told her there was no way I was spending $3-4,000 on a birthday party (sorry, it was just way too much for me - just buying her dresses/shoes to wear to the other Sweet 16s was bankrupting me!) so, instead we booked a dinner at a trendy patio restaurant with a few friends and rented the party bus to drive them around for a few hours - I can imagine 15+ girls dancing and flying all over in that bus and yelling out the windows at everyone on the street! :yfaint: In any case, the party bus picked them up at the restaurant, drove them around the city and dropped them back at my house for $500 - much more reasonable! :D

(Sorry, getting off topic! :lol:)
I think this is Friday, 17th between 12 noon and 2pm. Will try and drop in during my lunch break.
:( sorry dustyKat. Is it just this Thursdays or thursday's in general? If enough people join in we can find a good night for the majority, maybe even multiple nights!
I will be on the road until 9 but maybe I will get a chance to check in with you hens when I get home....assuming my younger daughter's civil war project is done and there aren't any last minute melt downs :ybatty:
No good for me, it is early hours of the morning here, we are 5 hours ahead of you, and I have to be up at 5.30 for work. Sounds like a good idea though.
I won't be home this Thursday evening... but most of the time I am... So I'll have to get in on the next one. There will be a next time, right?!!! :)
Oh don’t be sorry SupportiveMom! Alas, it is the tyranny of distance that is the problem.

East coast Oz is 16 hours ahead of you, as Catherine said 12 -2pm Friday here and I will be at work.

Dusty. :)
Just want to put this at the top of the list again to make sure those that can come do. Can't wait to chat with everyone tomorrow.. got my bottle of wine all picked out lol I went with a reisling cause I am so :cool2:
My parents have decided to come for a quick visit tomorrow after dinner... by the time my mom's done questioning my parenting and housekeeping skills (or lack thereof), I'll be ready to join in with my wine! :ytongue:
Where do we go for the chat.? The regular one at the top of the page? Remember my 6 yr old knows computers better.
Sorry I missed chat, didn't get a lunch break today as we closed the office again at 1pm due severe heat. Will try and make the next one.
Sorry I missed the chat, ended up having to go to assisted living for my grandmother, she was unresponsive again. Keeps happening we get a call all rush over and she is fine the next day, like today she has perked up once again but we know it is only a matter of time as she really has been declining and each episode seems to take more out of her.
Catherine, I'm in Canada, just got over a major freeze -25 c. And a massive ice storm, lost power for 3 days and no heat. Would love some heat now.
The heatwave broke last night, it now 24C. A drop of 20C from the 44C we experience yesterday.:eek2::eek2:

Of for a couple of days holidays tomorrow. Just need to finialize where we are going.

SupportiveMom I don't do cold. We consider -2C as being very cold. Haven't got any heat to send anymore.

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