Passed out again

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Jan 27, 2009
Tuesday i was at work and felt a little sick went to the bathroom and threw up 3 times. started getting light headed and dizzy and started sweating really bad. i ended up having to call the ems to come get me having almost passed out several times. all i can really remember is my bosses standing around me asking questions. i could hardly even hold my phone to have them call my mom. Last time this happened the doc mentioned that it might ahve something to do with a nerve getting pressure put on it causing a drop in blood pressure and making me pass out. Has anyone heard of this being related to crohn's. The docs did blood work and didn't find anything wrong. so basically i am confused as to what is happening to me.
That's a good question. The reason I went to the hospital the first time for not feeling well is because I passed out and didn't know what happened. They did all kinds of tests and found the only thing wrong was I was dehydrated and did not have enough potassium in my system. Other than that, no problems. They did more tests because of my bowel issues at the time found out I had Crohn's after what seemed to be an endless battery of tests. The pathology people had to diagnose Crohn's because he blood tests didn't show it. After getting out of the hospital I passed out a few more times. The dr then checked my blood pressure laying down, sitting, and standing up. It went from 110/70 laying down to 60/0 standing up. That's why as they said I passed out and was so dizzy all the time. Hope this helps. Eat a banana and drink lots of fluid is what I would say. Good luck.
No idea Mark, but sounds to me like you need to get to the bottom (groan) of it sharpish!
This happened to me a couple times a few months back, and I only worked as a checkout girl at the time so it wasnt exactly like i was over-exerting myself, I wouldn't be sick but I could feel it coming and pass out.
The first time it happened it was a pretty dramatic display in front of everyone which was grreeeaat fun lol but then next couple of times it happened I could anticipate it and get help in time.
When I spoke to the doc they said it was a combo of low iron an low blood pressure, didn't know low iron could make you pass out??hmm but yeah I was advised the same bananas and plenty of fluids
this has happened to me a few times, however I am hypoglycemic, and my blood sugar tends to drop to around 40 randomly...normal is around 100 for those of you that don't know. but the lightheaded-dizzy-sweating is EXACTLY what happens to me. i know my blood sugar is starting to drop when i feel like this so usually i try to have something sweet ASAP (although that makes the problem worse in the long run) and I lay down, knowing that if I don't, I will pass out. Have you ever had a glucose tolerance test or anything to see if maybe you might be hypoglycemic?
It's called a vasovagal response. Originates from the vagus nerve...Here is the wiki info. The rumor was that's what caused Elvis' cardiac arrest(Straining on the toilet)??? In the hospital when people experience idiopathic tachycardia sometimes they have patients strain slow the heart rate. I'm glad you didn't bump your head during the episode. Hope you feel better.
Hey mike I have this problem too. I've passed out 4 times now within 2 years of being diagnosed with Crohn's and I was just on asacol for 3 of them and 2 days ago now passed out while just into taking Imuran. Doctor's have no idea what it is and regularly send me for ECGs and bloodwork. They say it probably is a result of low blood sugar because of Crohn's??? but for the most part they always end it with but its hard to say.... Please let me know if you find out anything because I find it quite scary too. I passed out at hockey pratice once, sitting in my car (thank god while parked!) twice, and once in my home so there isn't a pattern, or reason such as over exerting or over tired etc...
Yeah i was just sitting at my desk when it happened last week. and then on the way home only thing i can see that is linked is two of the times i felt the urge to go right before passing out, so maybe the pressure has something to do with it i don't know. they want to do a ct scan and then another colonoscopy. not to thrilled about either one.
Quick Mark - make another post - your post number is 666 right now ;o)

I can't remember, but it seems like there is a very important nerve that runs through or by your rectum or something - wonder if that has something to do with it since you say it happened both times right after you had the urge to go. I'll have to ask the hubby and see.....
When I was an EMT we got called to a home where a 18 year girl passed out. It was from straining (from being really constipated) and that was when I learned about the vagus nerve. Sounds like you should get it checked out soon.
Der - that's what I was trying to think of and I should have known since it is a vasovagel reaction he probably had! Oh - and looking back up at what Carrie wrote - she already *said* that!! I need sugar.....
Yeah I'm going for colonoscopy on Jan 5th here but it was already scheduled. I tried calling my GI today but she wasn't available so hoping for a call tomorrow. If I am told anything I'll post it on here. I also have concussion history and this could have played a part as well. Will let you know though.
Hey Crazy, I know that blood pressure had dropped very low. When I almost passed out one time at the drs office. They took my blood pressure and it was 60/ 0. The dr couldn't even find a diastolic pressure and my pulse went to 120. My blood sugar was up to like 300. It may have been just everything happening all at once. A couple times in the hospital while they had me all hooked up to the heart monitor, my pulse shot up to over 160+. Freaked just about everyone out. They didn't even knock before coming in. I was straining from the pain of going. It was terrible. My blood pressure has been running normal but my pulse has been pretty consistent over 100+ all the time regardless of what I'm doing. Its a little scary to be honest. Now my temp is jumping all over the place. No matter the amount of blankets or fire, I stay cold. That could be new. My passing out I'm still scared will happen again. I was walking with a cane for awhile because I feared falling again. Now, if I don't eat at least one a banana a day I get the dizzys again.
It is amazing to find this forum and start to put things together. I've had this several times in the last few years, the worst one I put my head through a friends hallway wall when I fell, I work up with paramedics picking plaster board out of my hair but they didn't find a cause. Also happened once in a restaurant and again at the train station. Thanks for putting a name to it.

I hope you are feeling better soon.
Got my call from the GI today. She doesn't believe its related unless it could be possible that my blood sugar was low. I had my BP taken right afterwards and it was 100/60 which is pretty normal for me so I don't think that was it. So as for now no doctors have any idea whats going on for me.
That sucks, I hope you get it figured out soon. I know its not fun passing out. one time I couldn't even remember where I was. I standing outside the hospital leaning on my dad's car. My feet wouldn't move except to lean over and fall. Scary times.
YIKES, be cautious you guys, I know that being dehydrated can cause this to happen as well and IBDers a prone to mom has UC (ulcerative colitis) and has passed out due to dehydration, just last week and also in August she was hospitalized due to this and she was so dehydrated both times that her kidneys were shutting down..granted she's 82 but still, IBD can be hard and quick on anyone when it comes to dehydration issues.

I see that this thread is old but I am on my second pass out in three months the first I was just sitting in my car when went to get out I became totally light headed and fainted the whole ordeal lasted about twenty mins according to my girlfriend thank god who was there and the second time we had just moved items into my new house and I was awakened out of my sleep and it all happened
Hello all,

I know it has been a long time since someone commented on this but I wanted to because the same thing JUST happened to me. I have crohn's and have been taking remicade for about one year now. I have been told before that I am anemic. I passed out in the middle of the night on Tuesday night after waking up with intense nausea and dizziness. I was sweating and my husband said I was not responsive. I went to the ER and they said that I was severely dehydrated. They took blood tests and said that pretty much everything looks normal except that my blood sugar was low. I have recently just ended my period and wondering if that had something to do with it. I am also wondering if any other women living with Crohn's have had this happen to them. Thank you for not making me feel alone! I hope that you are feeling better. And, I hope that this post will help someone else out there. Stay strong everyone!