Peeing at night

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Jul 16, 2012
So for almost a year now I've had to wake up and pee at night at least once every night. I used to think I was just being hydrated, but I've been experimenting and realized that it is a problem. Every night without fail I have to get up and pee, usually twice.

Is it related to my crohns? I know I should see a doctor, but I'm in a different city on an internship right now so I have to wait until I get back home. I'm only on pentasa and a multivitamin. It's become really frustrating because I have to wake up early for work and I need all the sleep I can get. I can't remember the last time I had a full uninterrupted night's sleep.
Sounds like you need a urologist. It could be a urinary tract infection or prostate problems (if you are male). Also, diabetes could be starting or some other endocrine issue, and that can be checked by a family doctor.

Edit: In the past, I had endometriosis implants on my bladder that caused me to pee several times at night.
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I am a bit new at all this, but I definitely find that when my tummys bad I wee a lot more. The worse I am the more I have to get up in the night.
I have put it down to general inflammation , but I would get it checked out if it is worrying you.
I have got up to pee multiple times to pee every night for the past 4 years.
At first I got told it was anxiety.
Then diabetes. "I got diagnosed falsely of diabetes."
Now protatis - diagnosed off symptoms only.
Protatitis can vary from mild to cronic.
I have cronic protatitis, it's hard to sleep because I always feel like I need to pee.
I'm on cipro, sep forte etc.
This helped a little bit.... But I still get some weird symptoms..
I had to quit smoking as smoking agrivaged it like no tomorrow.
Symptoms - lower back pain, genital pain, groin pain etc.
The worst is a tingling feeling under your gentitals....
I hate this protatitis... It's bad enough with a stomach issue but this is one condition that sucks ass....
Sleeping has never been the same...
I miss going to bed and sleeping straight away.
Sounds like going to the toilet twice isnt too bad.
The most I had in one night was 70 times....
I didn't get a second of sleep.... Go to a urologist to confirm however protatitis is a bitch to get diagnosed.
To help confirm you can get a PSA screening.
It might be Crohns related. Inflammation of the bowel can put pressure on the bladder. Is your pee normal looking, not cloudy or bubbly? Any pelvic pain? Just wondering as bladder involvement can mean a UTI or other complication.
There are several possible causes of this, up to and including a side effect of Pentasa (see below for side effects, it is including at the very end).

Pentasa Side Effects - for the Professional
In combined domestic and foreign clinical trials, more than 2100 patients with ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease received Pentasa therapy. Generally, Pentasa therapy was well tolerated. The most common events (ie, greater than or equal to 1%) were diarrhea (3.4%), headache (2.0%), nausea (1.8%), abdominal pain (1.7%), dyspepsia (1.6%), vomiting (1.5%), and rash (1.0%).

In two domestic placebo-controlled trials involving over 600 ulcerative colitis patients, adverse events were fewer in Pentasa-treated patients than in the placebo group (Pentasa 14% vs placebo 18%) and were not dose-related. Events occurring at 1% or more are shown in the table below. Of these, only nausea and vomiting were more frequent in the Pentasa group. Withdrawal from therapy due to adverse events was more common on placebo than Pentasa (7% vs 4%).

Clinical laboratory measurements showed no significant abnormal trends for any test, including measurement of hematological, liver, and kidney function.

The following adverse events, presented by body system, were reported infrequently (ie, less than 1%) during domestic ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease trials. In many cases, the relationship to Pentasa has not been established.

Gastrointestinal: abdominal distention, anorexia, constipation, duodenal ulcer, dysphagia, eructation, esophageal ulcer, fecal incontinence, GGTP increase, GI bleeding, increased alkaline phosphatase, LDH increase, mouth ulcer, oral moniliasis, pancreatitis, rectal bleeding, SGOT increase, SGPT increase, stool abnormalities (color or texture change), thirst

Dermatological: acne, alopecia, dry skin, eczema, erythema nodosum, nail disorder, photosensitivity, pruritus, sweating, urticaria

Nervous System: depression, dizziness, insomnia, somnolence, paresthesia

Cardiovascular: palpitations, pericarditis, vasodilation

Other: albuminuria, amenorrhea, amylase increase, arthralgia, asthenia, breast pain, conjunctivitis, ecchymosis, edema, fever, hematuria, hypomenorrhea, Kawasaki-like syndrome, leg cramps, lichen planus, lipase increase, malaise, menorrhagia, metrorrhagia, myalgia, pulmonary infiltrates, thrombocythemia, thrombocytopenia, urinary frequency

The most dangerous reason I can think of is that the inflammation is pushing on your bladder, but that is by no means the only one.

I'm not sure why you don't just call your doctor's office and have them ask the doctor if this is anything to be concerned about? My doctor prescribed this for me and told me to call if I am concerned about any symptoms or have questions. There is no harm in asking as this is a change in your body's behavior since being on the medication.
It might be Crohns related. Inflammation of the bowel can put pressure on the bladder. Is your pee normal looking, not cloudy or bubbly? Any pelvic pain? Just wondering as bladder involvement can mean a UTI or other complication.

No my pee is pretty normal. I don't have any other symptoms besides peeing at night.
I've been having the same issue but don't know the cause as I haven't talked to my doctor about it yet. I see my GP tomorrow though so we'll see what she says. My inflammation is 3 right now which is the normal range (normal is 0-4) so for me its not inflammation. :/
Very possibly related to your crohns inflammation in the bowel can be affecting your ureters particularly rhs. Any lower back or hip pain? Have you noticed a weaker flow?
Yes... I do this toooo. Very very frustrating. I take pentassa also.... hummmmmm. When you have to get for work at 5.15am you realy want every min of sleep you can get
Went to the GP today and so far all she's doing is a UTI test. :/ You'd think I'd feel the need to pee during the day as well. I've had UTIs before and they are not fun. At least testing has started to rule things out and maybe I'll get some real answers eventually.

If you haven't gone to your GP yet to rule out other causes, I'd strongly suggest it. This way your symptoms will be taken more seriously and you can have further testing done to find the cause. We need our sleep dag nabbit!