pepsi and junk food
I do not have crohn's so I have no idea what someone who has the disease goes through on a daily basis.
Thus, I need some guidance to help some one I know with crohn's.
This person has had crohns for almost 17 years and has pretty much given up on dealing with it, she is facing a divorce (who wants to come home to someone who is laying in bed all day and will not help themselves) and wants full custody of her kids but in her current state she will not be able to take care of them the way they need to be cared for.
Right now she has 2 young kids (19 months and 3 years old) she has a full-time nanny during the day and 4 or 5 nights a weeks she has a sitter until the kids go to bed, and on the other nights her husband is expected to take care of the kids.
I have worked with her and the kids for about a year and I can honestly say her diet has NEVER been healthy. She has recently developed bed sores because she never gets up. she also does not work.
Her normal day consists of:
waking up at around 1pm
a can of pepsi
candy (reeses)
bread or oatmeal
mcdonals/ pizza, pepsi
more pepsi
and grilled cheese sandwiches.
and... more pepsi
on a normal day she drinks about 7 cans of pepsi and she will not believe me that pepsi maybe isn't the best choice, but she told me she asked her crohns doctor if it would hurt and make the crohns worse but she said it wouldnt make a difference.
she has been "bed ridden" (thats what she calls it) for over 3 years, while she was pregnant and mat leave and now she is on disability. (maybe if any one on here knows a good crohns doctor around edmonton, ab in canada they could drop me their name) she said her doctor has told her she is going to be like this for the rest of her life.
and in my opinion she abuses her meds.
she is on 2 different anti-depressants and a couple different painkillers including morphine (abuse part: if she is supposed to take 3 pills every 6 hours and sleeps for 12 or through she thinks she needs to compensate and take 6 pills for her next dose... and she is proud she can consume an amount her doctor told her should kill most people)
am I just being harsh? thinking part of the problem is that she is being lazy, and has no motivation to beat her crohns and cope with everyday life, she has already had some one else raise her kids for the first years of their lives, and I dont think she should miss anymore just because she pittys the life she has.
I know everyone with crohns is different but isnt lying in bed all day and eating junk a little excessive?...
I was just thinking I was a little more educated about crohns and how other people deal with it I could help her out or at least be more understanding.
I do not have crohn's so I have no idea what someone who has the disease goes through on a daily basis.
Thus, I need some guidance to help some one I know with crohn's.
This person has had crohns for almost 17 years and has pretty much given up on dealing with it, she is facing a divorce (who wants to come home to someone who is laying in bed all day and will not help themselves) and wants full custody of her kids but in her current state she will not be able to take care of them the way they need to be cared for.
Right now she has 2 young kids (19 months and 3 years old) she has a full-time nanny during the day and 4 or 5 nights a weeks she has a sitter until the kids go to bed, and on the other nights her husband is expected to take care of the kids.
I have worked with her and the kids for about a year and I can honestly say her diet has NEVER been healthy. She has recently developed bed sores because she never gets up. she also does not work.
Her normal day consists of:
waking up at around 1pm
a can of pepsi
candy (reeses)
bread or oatmeal
mcdonals/ pizza, pepsi
more pepsi
and grilled cheese sandwiches.
and... more pepsi
on a normal day she drinks about 7 cans of pepsi and she will not believe me that pepsi maybe isn't the best choice, but she told me she asked her crohns doctor if it would hurt and make the crohns worse but she said it wouldnt make a difference.
she has been "bed ridden" (thats what she calls it) for over 3 years, while she was pregnant and mat leave and now she is on disability. (maybe if any one on here knows a good crohns doctor around edmonton, ab in canada they could drop me their name) she said her doctor has told her she is going to be like this for the rest of her life.
and in my opinion she abuses her meds.
she is on 2 different anti-depressants and a couple different painkillers including morphine (abuse part: if she is supposed to take 3 pills every 6 hours and sleeps for 12 or through she thinks she needs to compensate and take 6 pills for her next dose... and she is proud she can consume an amount her doctor told her should kill most people)
am I just being harsh? thinking part of the problem is that she is being lazy, and has no motivation to beat her crohns and cope with everyday life, she has already had some one else raise her kids for the first years of their lives, and I dont think she should miss anymore just because she pittys the life she has.
I know everyone with crohns is different but isnt lying in bed all day and eating junk a little excessive?...
I was just thinking I was a little more educated about crohns and how other people deal with it I could help her out or at least be more understanding.