Personal Independant Insurance... can it be done?

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Ok, so I'm recently unemployed and using Cobra because every insurance organization I have applied to has rejected me due to my Crohn's. I'm currently getting Remicade every 60 days and we all know they cost about 4Gs a pop. So here is the problem....

If I was healthy I would go into business for myself and do contract work where ever I can find it - and I'm not bragging but I know I would be able to support myself quite well. Unfortunately, with the Remicade expenses and lack of independent insurance available I am forced to look for a job within an organization that provides health care.

I know I would be able to attend to my health much better if I was independant and not forced to report to work every M-Fri for 8+ hours a day. So my question is... does anyone know of an insurance company that would carry someone like me that is fairly healthy but has Crohn's and gets Remicade every 60 days?

Thanks in advance!!!!! Any info would be helpful!!!
I have never heard of any private insurer that would cover someone with a chronic disease. If you did find one they would exclude any medical expenses related to your pre-existing condition.

I know of a few people in the same boat as yourself and they never could find a insurer. It is one of the bigger problems with health insurance in the U.S. and the NFIB has been lobbying to allow small businesses to purchase insurance as a group.
This would help independent contractors purchase insurance like any big company. It has not happened yet, but I think it is inevitable that this will come about. It is just a matter of when.

Best Regards

D Bergy
Hi Labrat27.. I won't ask what happened to Lab Rat's 1 - 26 Pre-existing conditions seem to be a Catch 22. I haven't found any insurers that would consider touching me... I've heard anecdotally that some WILL pay AFTER you've been their client for a year or longer... Personally, I think it's just an urban legend. As for group coverage for small, independant contractors, I haven't really looked, but from what I've heard, it is pretty much non-existent. The only possible 'loophole' that I've heard of stems from associations or organizations... Are there any groups, unions, affiliations or similar outfits you can join that provide optional group coverage? course, you do get double billed sort of.. union dues or member fees.. plus insurance premiums... But if you can associate these initial costs to the work you do, AND you have a decent book-keeper or accountant, you might write off some/all of the costs AS a legitimate business expense. Might balance out in the long run... For myself, a dream job would be any part time work that provided medical benefits... Yeah, right.. not so much a dream job as it is me just dreaming.
There is some organization in each state (U.S.) that is supposed to help those with chronic illnesses when Cobra runs out. I forget what it's called. I talked to them once, and the coverage is almost as expensive as Cobra which is ridiculous.

I haven't been able to find any Independents that will take pre-existing conditions, especially, Crohn's. Some will take it after you've been on their program for a year.
It's called "State High Risk Pools" and is only offered in 29 states. Of course, there are some qualifications that vary from state to state to enroll. And it is not cheap in most places. I just noticed you're in Ohio, and apparently they don't have it.


Alabama (for portability only)
Alabama Health Insurance Plan
Phone 1-800-513-1384 or (334) 353-8924

Alaska Comprehensive Health Insurance Association
Phone 1-800-467-8725 or (907) 269-7900

Arkansas Comprehensive Health Insurance Pool
Phone 1-800-285-6477

California Major Risk Medical Insurance Program
Phone 1-800-289-6574 or (916) 324-4695

Phone (303) 863-1960

Connecticut Health Reinsurance Association
Phone 1-800-842-0004

Florida (not open for new enrollees)
Phone (850) 309-1200

Idaho Individual High Risk Reinsurance Pool

Illinois Comprehensive Health Insurance Plan
Phone 1-800-367-6410 or (217) 782-6333

Indiana Comprehensive Health Association
Phone 1-800-552-7921 or (317) 614-2000

Iowa Comprehensive Health Association
Phone (877) 793-6880

Kansas Health Insurance Association
Phone 1-800-290-1366 or (316) 792-1779

Kentucky Access
Phone (866) 405-6145

Louisiana Health Insurance Association
Phone 1-800-736-0947 or (504) 926-6245

Maryland Health Insurance Plan
Phone (888) 444-9016

Minnesota Comprehensive Health Association
Phone (952) 593-9609

Mississippi Comprehensive Health Insurance Risk Pool
Phone (601) 362-0799

Missouri Health Insurance Pool
Phone 1-800-843-6447 (All but NW Missouri)
Phone 1-800-645-8346 (NW Missouri)

Montana Comprehensive Health Insurance Association
Phone (406) 444-8200

Nebraska Comprehensive Health Association
Phone (402) 343-3574 or (877) 348-4304

New Hampshire
New Hampshire Health Plan
Phone (800) 578-3272

New Mexico
New Mexico Medical Insurance Pool
Phone (505) 622-4711

North Dakota
Comprehensive Health Association Of North Dakota
Phone 1-800-737-0016 or (701) 282-1235

Oklahoma Health Insurance High Risk Pool
Phone 1-800-255-6065 or (913) 362-0040

Oregon Medical Insurance Pool
Phone (503) 373-1692

South Carolina
South Carolina Health Insurance Pool
Phone 1-800-868-2500, ext. 42757, or 1-803-788-0500,
ext. 42757

South Dakota
South Dakota Risk Pool

TennCare Program
Contact Tennessee area county medical assistance offices, or
Phone (615) 741-8642

Texas Health Insurance Risk Pool
Phone 1-888-398-3927

Utah Comprehensive Health Insurance Pool
Phone 1-800-705-9173 or (801) 442-6660

Washington State Health Insurance Pool
Phone 1-800-877-5187

West Virginia
Phone 1-866-445-8491

Wisconsin Health Insurance Risk Sharing Plan
Phone (608) 441-5777

Wyoming Health Insurance Pool
Independant Ins question....

Thanks for your replies everyone. I kinda figured it was a pipe dream but I figured I'd post the question for the group. Thought maybe someone would know the secret password. Any ways, thanks again...

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