Personal Question (sex and Crohns)

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Oct 1, 2009
Ok so my question is, after sex, when both my husband and I get our release, dont really know a polite way of putting it lol......after I always get this bad cramping deep in my stomach, it only happens after I climax. If I dont, then I dont get the pain, I went to my GI and he says he doesnt think It has anything to do with my Crohns and or stomach issues, So I went to my OBGYN, he did a exam and see's nothing wrong so he blames it on the Crohns, does anyone else have this problem??? I normally have a really high sex drive and still do, but knowing the pain is going to follow kind of dampens the mood alot. this has been happening for about 4 months now.
Oxytocin is released during orgasm and can cause cramping. It can be like menstual or intestinal cramping.

I know because when I started flaring during the last 6 months I nursed, I would cramp up right after with both types of cramps. Nursing also releases oxytocin. I dont get the cramps post orgasm though. Nursing also made my period cramps worse. Blame the oxytocin.
hope its ok if I chime in from the "other side" but I get a crampy feeling too and I always figured it was just due the abdominal exercise. Lots flexing going on with abs and the ilium is Right there above the pelvic bone. I cant think of anything else I do that is that physically intense for that muscle group and over a short period of time. Its bound to jiggle things around a bit and flex them a heck of a lot. I was really worried after my resection that it would pop apart or something :LOL
I used to get cramps where my strictures are when that happened. Now the inflammation is better it doesn't happen.

I do hate that Crohn's cramps sometimes feel like period cramps though. Sometimes I get confused as to what the pain is due to!
I'm in the same boat as Kenny, well just in symptoms. We have never been in the same boat
I also believe that it has to do with flexing of stomach muscles that can cause things to cramp up. Since the intestines are muscles too than why wouldn't they get a work out to some degree also.
I can't help as haven't had sex since Crohns. But have a date today and I guess it's something I may soon have to deal with. I am nervous that it might hurt!!! :(
shazamataz said:
I can't help as haven't had sex since Crohns. But have a date today and I guess it's something I may soon have to deal with. I am nervous that it might hurt!!! :(
The act itself doesnt hurt at all, just the cramping after, someone told me tonight to try taking a hot shower or bath after to see if the hot water helps with the cramping. I am going to try that...or a heating pad or something lol.
I was about to offer the advice of using a heating pad after...that always helped me.
The heating pad or hot bath is a good idea. Hope you figure this out soon. There are enough reasons why us crohnies avoid sex (pain, embarrassment, needing to go to the bathroom during...) you don't need one more thing making things harder!
OMG Angee I can totally relate... its straight after you climax you get this really deep pain within your gut that feel like someone is reaching in trying to pull your insides out... not sure if that makes any sense but it always feels like really bad period pain to me... I used to get it all the time and too was scared to have sex as it seemed to always happen but have found it ease over time. Not sure why but still find it happen now and then. Im with Jer's as sometimes I felt that it was connected with needing to have a BM but not sure if this is the reason or not. I still haven't worked out why it happens to me sometimes and not others. I saw a Gyno about it too and she just said that it was a reaction from the guys sperm WTF?? I tried to explain to her that it wasn't only when we had intercourse but when he would manual make me climax and she just fobbed it off so I really didn't get anywhere... this was like 6 years ago and I have just been putting up with it probably helps it has subsided a fair bit but now that I have crohns it might explain it?? Who knows tho. If you work it out let me know as I would be really interested in figuring it out too. Good luck hun.
I just read everyone elses post as I was to eager to post after discovering someone else who feels my pain... he..he.. anyway Lydia may be on to something or it could be the extra exercise doesn't agree with our stomachs. I can always tell when its going to happen cause generally it kinda cuts into my climax at the end goes from feeling great to intent pain!
I go see my OBGYN again monday for a follow up and I will bring it up to her again and see if she has any advice I can try, I will let You know Tan what I find out, It gets very frustrating, even more so that I have only been married for 4 months so it kind of puts a damper on our sex life, but thankfully my husband is very understanding, when we first started dating and I told him I had Crohns and what I had been through so far at that point, he wanted to know all he could about the disease and how to understand it and what I was going through so he became like a sponge and read up on everything he could and probably drove my GI crazy with the two million questions he asked him lol....but it makes me feel more loved and cared for that he took the time to understand what was happening and could happen with me, so for the most part he has been very understanding about the sex as well.
I know what you mean I coming up for my first wedding ann on the 9th May and for the last 9 months since being diagnosed our sex life has been thrown in the back seat... my hubby is understanding too but now that Im starting to feel better Im hoping that will start to improve too. Just hard when Im tired all the time!

Good luck girly!!
I owe it to you to state that at moments of intimacy my fiancee gets bad cramping sensations that feel like she's having menstrual cramps, but the catch is, she doesn't have Crohn's or any IBD...maybe it's not that. It actually happens during arousal, not after things are finished. It will come on whilst we make out or during foreplay. Other women here have told me it can happen time to time, they said maybe when they aren't "ready" for intercourse yet, down there. It's very confusing and frustrating, as it does put a damper on things, and it's mysterious. You never know what causes so much of what our bodies do (we of all people should know that).
i've also had exactly this kind of cramping, not every time, but sometimes... and i've never mentioned it to anyone, so i didn't know other people got it! it's kinda reassuring to find it's not just me...

i don't know what causes it.. maybe it is the actual spasm of climax, causing pain in our pelvic area. and yes it does feel like period pain.

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