Pill Cam, when should i get worried?

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Oct 12, 2011
I had pill cam test tuesday. At the end of the test when nurse check if that camera has gone to colon yet, they see that camera was completely still, i had to run stairs up and down so the camera move and they see is it in the colon yet. Camera didn't move at all, and they weren't 100% sure that was it in colon. They let me leave home anyway.

Now is 4 days later, and camera hasn't come out yet. When should i get worried? I have slight pain in my right lower abdomen and my rib. That pain was there about month ago and it did go away when i started Entocort. No i have entocort only 3mg andpain is there. So i don't know is it the crohn pain, of the pill pain.

I try to call my GI office, but i didn't get anyone in the phone.
That is very concerning. I believe it's supposed to come out within 24 hours. Can you talk to your GI about a laxative? Keep calling and demand to talk to them before the weekend.
My Gi called me!She said that the pillcam did end up in colon, and there didn't seem to be any narrowing, only scars in TI. So i think it will come out since it is in colon.. If it hasn't come out till sunday i call my GI again.

That pain in my right side, my GI told me that he send me to ultrasound, so they can check that i don't have gailbladder stones, or kidney stones.

Thanks for the response :)
Are you absolutely sure it didn't pass? I thought I kept a sharp eye on my stools after my pill cam, but I never saw it. I asked the nurse about it later, and she looked something up in the computer, and then told me, "Oh yes, it DEFINITELY passed." I wondered what she meant by that. Then I remembered a radiology tech I know once told me that sometimes, the final images on a pill cam are of the patient's face looking down into the toilet. I kind of wonder if I was one of those (even if I didn't see the pill cam pass, it might have seen me!). That would explain how they knew that it "definitely" passed! :p

If you haven't seen it pass and have checked very thoroughly, I would go in and have an x-ray done just to be extra safe. If you're not having any bad pain, vomiting, fever, anything like that, then I wouldn't worry too much.