Pillcam got stuck...

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Aug 7, 2012
So last week I had the pillcam and I thought everything went fine. My doctor called me yesterday and said that I needed to get an Xray because based on the photos the camera took, it looked like the camera did not pass into the large intestine. I got the Xray today and my doctor was right, it was stuck at the bottom of the small intestine close to the junction where it meets the large intestine. Anyway he calls today to tell me the results and my treatment options. He said that first of all to get the pillcam out by putting me on oral and IV steriods to reduce the inflammation which will hopefully allow the pill to pass. Next he wants to start me on a biologic like Humira because the 6MP is obviously not working. Then he said that since the pillcam is suppose to pass through the intestines, there may be tight strictures to where the pillcam is. He said he will do some more Xrays and CT scans to see where the pill is and see how much intestine is affected. My problem is that I am suppose to leave the country on Saturday for school. My doctor has expressed that he does not want me to start the Humira unless I am being monitored. My concern is that if I do go to school, I do not know what will happen in a month or a few months whether my condition will get worse which would most likely make me worry about that more than my studies. So my question is and any opinion is welcomed and I know that ultimately it is my decision, but should I just take the year off to make sure I get everything taken care of or should I go to school and hope for the best? I know it seems like a no brainer to stay here and get sorted, but at the same time I just do not want to miss out on an oppurtunity like this.
This is a hard decision for you!there have been many times in the past ten years that I have pushed myself to do what I so thought was important to me to my regret. I'm not sure knowing what I know now if I would have chosen differently however. Recently, I wanted to travel to Europe to visit friends I hadn't seen in a long time,my first international voyage after beig diagnosed with crohns. I had traveled plenty into developing countries to work in rural areas as a nurse consultant and to backpack. It was in the peace corps that I finally got too sick to be in country in Africa and they medevaced my little self home. My trip to Europe certainly wasn't that risky..I was staying with friends and although in different countries,all had good health care systems that I could access no problem if needed..and I did need to in each country I went to..and had two hospital stays in two different countries. The reassuring thing is the treatments are all standards of care..I had the same type and level of treatments as I would have back home.
A concern I would think is the stuck pill cam. That has to come out one way or another..naturally or with some help. Also,traveling with humira(which I take and didn't on my trip after consulting with my gi about it)is a bit problematic as it has to be refrigerated.not impossible though. I hated that a good portion of my weight in my baggage was due to my medicine or the potential meds I may need including endocort,two types of antibiotics,and my regular meds for crohns besides the humira. I want to stress..it can be done!
Also on humira,your labs need to be checked and it suppresses your immune system. Just some info. I hadnt really considered the physical stress of traveling into the equation. It never had been for me before..I have spent my life traveling!
If you are going to school in your country,you could always take all your record with you and make an appointment to a new gi doctor wherever you are going.
Yes,the decision is ultimately yours. You sound very capable and level headed. At the end of the day,your intuition will guide you to what YOU need to do. One year won't matter so much either if you decide to get more stabilized. Maybe you could take some courses where you are living now if you stay? Some prerequisites? As te saying goes,there's more than one way to skin a cat(gruesome I know..!)
Good luck and know you will make the choice that's just right for you..no matter what it is!
PS..you will never know what will happen tomorrow..here's a practice I've done..list on paper the pros and cons of each choice!
The Pill can be retrieved with a procedure called Double Baloon Enteroscopy. I think you need to get a second opinion. Whatever treatment he puts you on can take time to work and I don't think the pillcam is safe to have in you for a long period.
I'm 48 and I wish I would have been more concerned with my health when I was younger "it wouldn't be such a damn problem now if I did"

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