Pills for colonoscopy prep?

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Dec 14, 2012
Hi guys, so I'm goIng in for my 2nd scope in 2 weeks time, the doc I can use pills instead of liquid prep. The nurse told me its 32 pills? 4 every 15 minutes until you've had 20, then the rest in the morning... Just wondering if anyone else has ever done this?
Not hard of that before well be interesting to hear how you get on with them. I had moviprep last night and its still doing is thing! Good luck with the scope, would love to hear how you get on.
Once I had a combination of liquid and pills, but never only pills! I think I'd prefer it that way, though. Let us know how you get on, and good luck!
Never heard of this but I'd prefer it. Prep makes me vomit every time and the colonoscopy never works.
Read the label carefully if you are using pills for colonscopy prep. Some of them have black box warnings on them because the high sodium damages kidneys.
so the pills are called diacol, they don't like to give them to people older than 60 because of how dehydrated they get you, plenty of fluids should protect the kidneys, I think its the dehydration that can worry some peoples kidneys, and normal prep can cause hectic dehydration also. anyways hopefully it goes smoothly.
Yes I have used the pills.
I request these in preference to the liquid.
They are very effective and more manageable than all that fluid.
I already take six bajillion pills over day - what's a few more.
To be honest - I don't understand why more people don't choose the pill option.