Pinching pain around my right side in my hip then vomiting

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Jan 10, 2010
Hi all, im having a problem right now, after 2 days and vommiting i am waiting for my GI to call me up in what to do next, it all started at the weekend i started gettin a new sensation like a pinching pain around my right side in my hip that spread just underneath my belly button, this happened when walking but i noticed more it would be there 2-3 hours after eating, it was so uncomfortable, the pain then just subsided so i thought maybe something i ate but it come back sunday morning and resulted in me vommiting 3 times, now fast foward last night the pain was there again but so much it was uncomfortable to lay flat so i had to go sleep on sofa with my back up, from 3am onwards i was gettting up being sick every hour until around 12pm, i havent eaten anything other than some toast and a digestive biscuit and am starting to get the nauseous back? Any suggestions to what this is i am running a high temp of 37.8.
Im still getting diareah could this still mean i am still getting blockage or flare, i havent been diagnosed as of yet but i was having sickness and diareah at the same time at one point, also the diareah was coming out black, i dont no if that means anything
Black stools can mean there is bleeding high up in the digestive tract. If you are having the runs then a blockage is less likely, but it does sound like you are pretty inflamed! Ring your GI again and tell him you are having black stools, you need to get checked out!
Thanks rebecca i am waiting to hear from her and see what she is going to suggest, i just cant stand the feeling of sickness and the pain at the same time, is it weird when your being sick that i still feel this pain in the area i am just wondering what it could be
Lower right is a typical Crohn's pain. I think that is also your appendix side, appendicitis is a possibility. It is hard to tell between the two, even for doctors!
Well it should be easy to tell with me cos i had my appendics removed in 2008 when all my problems begun they thought it was them but it never went away lol xx
This doesn't sound like a 'call and wait patiently till they get back to you'.... this is more like a get to ER/A&E: you have an infection - guessing you took it orally? you've not been able to eat without vomiting for 2 days, in pain, and you are actively bleeding from high up like stomach/small bowel. Have you taken any aspirin or ibuprofen? - dont.

Are you in the UK?... this really needs to be seen to promptly. Like at least call your GP's out of hours doctors stating that you have been trying to contact your consultant but they haven't got back to you and you are concerned about the above symptoms especially the black diarrhea, and need advice.....
I had an infection a few weeks ago and took some antibiotics for it, i was getting green stuff coming out of me but i never had this pinching pain and all this sickness and pain, when i was being sick i went to the toilet and there was black diareah quite thick
Like others have said before me, black D can indicate bleeding, you really need to see someone and soon or you may be putting yourself at risk of further complications.
The high temperature indicates you have a current active infection regardless of when you last had antibiotics, which depending on what sort they were may have allowed something like CDiff to flourish.

I'll repeat, you need to see a doctor NOW.
hey porter. I hope you are doing okay today and i hope you got some help. Let us know how you are doing!
Hey everyone, im still actually waiting to hear from my GI still its a nightmare trying to get hold of them it seems the secetary doesnt pass the messages or we seem to be missing each others calls, im still the same really it hasnt got worse but just seems to not have left either
If you can't get hold of your GI then go to hospital! At the very least you will be dehydrated and need fluids. You need treatment for the inflammation too, the longer it goes on the more scarring you will have and the worse it will be down the line.

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