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- Jun 14, 2011
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I don't understand why some doctors must be so arrogant and stubborn!!
Stephen's had a few minor symptoms lately...
- lost 5 lbs in the last 2-3 weeks (cud be muscle loss as he hasn't played hockey in weeks but, also hasn't been burning calories???)
- hasn't had much appetite in the last few days (but has been fighting a cold)
- has been looking pale for the last 3-4 weeks (our 'home' nurse thought he should be tested for anemia last week) (have a home nurse because of his continuing EN therapy...)
- has had a bit of ab/stomach pain for a couple of days ...
Since his next GI follow up isn't until Feb. 22, and his GP is away, I took him to the walk-in clinic and asked for some bloodwork of the indicators that were slightly off last time (WBC, HGB, CRP, etc.).
OMG, what an annoying doctor we dealt with! ... I think he was the Dr who graduated at the bottom of his class! LOL (Somebody had to have the 'lowest' mark...)
- when I say he has Crohns, Dr says it's very unusual for someone his age to have Crohns (umm, okay???)
- when I explain what I would like done and why, he asks Stephen if he has diarrhea, when Stephen says no, Dr says it's probably not related to the Crohns (ya don't say...)
- says if Stephen isn't bleeding, then iron levels should be fine because you have to be bleeding to be low in iron (OMG, really???)
- says the CRP and sed rate will not confirm Crohns, are just an indication that there is an infection or inflammation (yay, one point for you)
- says they're useless without comparison (gave him a copy of Stephen's last results) and that these tests aren't used for my reasons (hmmm, GI always runs them???)
- says he doesn't understand why I want to run these tests:ywow:. So I explain that given the other symptoms/indictors, if the blood tests show that his WBC, HGB, CRP and sed rate are also off, I'll call his GI with the results and get him in sooner, otherwise, I'll just keep an eye on things...
At this point, other than asking Stephen re the diarrhea, he hasn't spoken with him, asked about his pain, nothing!
Finally, after me acting as obtuse as he has been, he gives me the test requisition and (needing to have the last word, I guess) tells me that he hopes I plan on following up! :yfaint:
Stephen's first words as we left were 'what was wrong with that dr?' LOL
Honestly..., do you guys think I was being unreasonable??? Do you think I was wrong or paranoid or something in asking for these tests? I wasn't trying to overburden the system by asking for unnecessary tests; if anything, I don't want to request a more urgent apptmt at the GI clinic if it isn't needed... :confused2:
Stephen's had a few minor symptoms lately...
- lost 5 lbs in the last 2-3 weeks (cud be muscle loss as he hasn't played hockey in weeks but, also hasn't been burning calories???)
- hasn't had much appetite in the last few days (but has been fighting a cold)
- has been looking pale for the last 3-4 weeks (our 'home' nurse thought he should be tested for anemia last week) (have a home nurse because of his continuing EN therapy...)
- has had a bit of ab/stomach pain for a couple of days ...
Since his next GI follow up isn't until Feb. 22, and his GP is away, I took him to the walk-in clinic and asked for some bloodwork of the indicators that were slightly off last time (WBC, HGB, CRP, etc.).
OMG, what an annoying doctor we dealt with! ... I think he was the Dr who graduated at the bottom of his class! LOL (Somebody had to have the 'lowest' mark...)
- when I say he has Crohns, Dr says it's very unusual for someone his age to have Crohns (umm, okay???)
- when I explain what I would like done and why, he asks Stephen if he has diarrhea, when Stephen says no, Dr says it's probably not related to the Crohns (ya don't say...)
- says if Stephen isn't bleeding, then iron levels should be fine because you have to be bleeding to be low in iron (OMG, really???)
- says the CRP and sed rate will not confirm Crohns, are just an indication that there is an infection or inflammation (yay, one point for you)
- says they're useless without comparison (gave him a copy of Stephen's last results) and that these tests aren't used for my reasons (hmmm, GI always runs them???)
- says he doesn't understand why I want to run these tests:ywow:. So I explain that given the other symptoms/indictors, if the blood tests show that his WBC, HGB, CRP and sed rate are also off, I'll call his GI with the results and get him in sooner, otherwise, I'll just keep an eye on things...
At this point, other than asking Stephen re the diarrhea, he hasn't spoken with him, asked about his pain, nothing!
Finally, after me acting as obtuse as he has been, he gives me the test requisition and (needing to have the last word, I guess) tells me that he hopes I plan on following up! :yfaint:
Stephen's first words as we left were 'what was wrong with that dr?' LOL
Honestly..., do you guys think I was being unreasonable??? Do you think I was wrong or paranoid or something in asking for these tests? I wasn't trying to overburden the system by asking for unnecessary tests; if anything, I don't want to request a more urgent apptmt at the GI clinic if it isn't needed... :confused2: