Please Try This

Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 26, 2009
I have just joined this but if you have seen my post you'll see that I am taken something from GNC. Its called "Garden Greens Acai Blast" I would like a few others to try this and let me know if it helps them as well. I'm not sure if its the Acai that helping or not. Its the only thing that I am taken though so in my mind I think that it is. If you are going to try this please give it about 2 weeks to fully work then let me know. With me it helped me have my first soild bm in over a month and boy was I gald. That watery stuff does a number on the back side. Also have a question for everyone I get really bad boils is this common with crohn's my mother has always got them also so I'm not sure if its just in the blood or if it has something to do with crohn's. Thanks every one and please try this it does have anything that will hurt you in it. Its 1000MG Acai Berry and like 50MG green tea left extract. Gives you a little boost of engery to. I can't drink coffee no more realize that was hurting my belly so this helps me wake up in the AM just two pills a day thats all. Nothing compared to what we all have done with pentasa 16 a day I mean come on I bout fell on the floor 4 years ago when my doctor told me how many I had to take.

Aid for the Digestive System
24. Improves Digestion
25. Overcomes acid-reflux disease
26. Heals ulcers
27. Helps relieve symptoms of Crohn’s disease
First off its only expensive if you get the stuff off the internet where they are selling it as some fad diet thing. Secondly I have been in the hospital over medication that my doctor has put on with obstructions and pain. I know why to BECAUSE I HAVE CROHN'S. I was wondering if anyone else has tried it and their results. I am not telling everyone to taken them and sure as hell and trying to make anyone feel bad as you just did. This is the first form I have joined and will be the last I have had this disease for over 5 years now and thought this was some where I could express my views on certain things with crohn's I guess not. I have my opinions I expressed them and your reply was to me rude. Have a nice day
Pen was not trying to be mean. I think you took her response the wrong way. We welcome everyone's thoughts here!
Thank you for your reply. I may have taken it the wrong way but it seems like it could have been wrote a little better to me. I have been reading everyones post for about a week before joining. It was the first one that I had posted and didn't expect such a response I guess. Sorry I'm sure i'm not that only person on here who is use to defending their self all the time. I am sorry for my reply to it. Maybe a little over the top.

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