Poo Pourri? Have you heard of it?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jan 11, 2012
Someone posted a link last night on facebook. This is a spray you spray into the toilet before having a bm. It is essential oils and it is supposed to contain any odors under the film in the toilet. When you have a bm and it hits the toilet water, it is supposed to give off a slight scent. I thought it was a joke at first, but went to the website and it is in fact real. I think I am going to order a bottle for Devynn to try. If it works, GREAT! If not, its only $10 and they do have a money back quarantee. She is so self conscious of having to use the washroom when we are not at home, and if this could help it would be well worth it. The video that was posted on FB was hilarious! I am going to try to link it.

Here is the link to the website. Has anyone here heard of it?
Yes! But only because I saw it on fb too! :lol: A member from the forum, Amanda, posted it. :)


Dusty. :stinks:
OMG! The ad is hilarious! safe to say only WE are allowed to laugh at it. Geez! I could have used that for O pre dx....Curious enough to try it though.
We have it!! It works really good, but my youngest, non-IBD'er, uses it like a room spray instead of spraying it in the toilet before he goes, and I can't stand the smell of lemon anymore. It really does work though when used the right way.
Novice, lol yes that would be good!!

Eema23, my brother actually told me about that. You can buy it in the store rather than ordering, but it looks like it actually costs more.. hmmm
Ashley got some from her GI's office. It works. You can also find it at boutique shops and Bed, Bath and Beyond. We had a good laugh when we heard about it, but Ash carries it in her purse for school.

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