Positive mentoux test

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jul 22, 2012
I wrote this in the remicade club so apologies for duplicate question.

I had the mentoux test for TB on monday and ive had a positive reaction.

i have a swelling that can be felt over 10mm long with redness.

im freaking out. does this mean i have TB?

does this mean i cant start remicade.

im seeing the doc that performed the test at 4oclock today.
will get my answers then but naturally i cant wait that long.

You will not be able to start remicade and if you are on any immune suppressants they may want to take you off them too.

You may not have active TB but may be a carrier or have had a vaccination that makes you react to that test.

It's my understanding that you will need to go through a 4 month antibiotic regiment to "treat" the TB before you can start Remicade.
TY patricia,
i did have a vaccination as a baby. its called the BCG. Is there no way to tell the difference between being a carrier and reacting because of the BCG.

Unfortunately there is not as far as I know. There was a parent on another board who was faced with this exact same issue recently. They were unable to start Remicade because of it and opted for colectomy.