Possible infection lots of pain

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Jan 30, 2010
I was admitted to the hospital with my white cell count at 18000 and terrible pain in my lower back. CT scan didn't show any abscessand inflammation both in an outside the bowel. No answers just lots of pain medication for now. Scared and having a good cry :(
Good luck with everything Jeannette! I'm sorry you are in pain and hope your doctors can help you figure things out and feel better :hug: :hang:
Thanks everyone! The infection is not an abscess but painful nevertheless. I'm now on Cipro, Flagyl, Prednisone and Dilaudid. Remicade infusion is on Tuesday but the doctors are saying it's not working. My GI says there are clinical trials of new drugs he hopes will be released next year. My Rheumatologist shot that hope down, though, and said doctors often lie to their patients so they won't give up. *sigh* I don't know what to think. In the meantime the CT scan also found a 5 cm ovarian cyst-do you think it is possible this is what is causing me to stay in a perpetual flare? I'm going in for surgical consult soon.
Oh, Mountaingem, you certainly have it all going on there :-( Are you having urinary problems at all, like UTIs? I had an ovarian cyst years ago, pre Crohn's, and it caused me a lot of problems in that area. In fact, they were investigating the possibilities of another cyst when they discovered the Crohn's.
It wouldn't surprise me if the cyst is related to your current flare. Just before my surgery, I had a clear colonoscopy and an MRI which showed a fistula but not inflammation. The only abnormal thing was my white cell count. They found the inflammation when they operated to remove the fistula.
I hope they can get this sorted out as soon as for you. Chin up, love xxx
Yes, I've had an ongoing UTI since February. I had a cystoscopy and it was inconclusive as to a fistula and like you, my white cell count was the only thing off the chart. My CT scan from Tuesday showed inflammation in the small intestine as well as all along the outer bowel wall. I wonder if the ovarian cyst is causing the bladder issue? Damn I've got to get it out ASAP.
The cyst was the cause of my UTIs as it was pressing on my bladder and, like you, I had a lot of back pain with it too. If it's any consolation, the surgery to remove the cyst solved all the problems and I had years of good health xxx
Well, we're talking nearly 30 years ago, so things have probably changed. It was open surgery with a long vertical scar. Doctors I've seen since have asked why it was done that way and asked about the age of the surgeon. He was more mature ( shall we say! ) and they thought that he might have been a bit more traditional and set in his ways.
Sorry you are going though all this, how awful. My MIL told me she had a huge cyst ( size of a grapefruit on her ovary when she was in her 30's). They removed it. Her only symptom though was she kept passing out( fainting) for no reason. It tool quite while to find out it was the cyst causing this. As soon as they took the cyst out she stopped passing out.

As far as the UTI"s go, I would think the only way an ovarian cyst could cause a UTI would be if it is pressing on the bladder where it cannot empty and is causing urinary retention.

I sure hope they can find out what is wrong and fix you really soon. Sending ))BIG(( hugs your way....