I am controlling my Crohn's disease through diet. In October, my naturopathic doctor ordered a blood test through a specialty lab in Seattle for 96 different foods and I tested allergic to 68. If I only eat non-reactive foods, I may only go to the bathroom 1-2 times/day and see no blood vs 12+ times w/ blood if I eat reactive foods. When the body reacts negatively to food, it causes inflammation. The more often a person eats non-reactive foods, the more likely the digestive tract can heal due to the lack of an inflammatory response. I have also found drinking 2 TB of a bentonite clay solution in 8 oz of water before I go to bed to be helpful for cleansing and soothing the digestive tract. To learn more about the healing properties of clay, visit http://www.aboutclay.com/. What I try to do each day is take a complete multivitamin, 1 TB Lecithin 2X, 1/2 tsp L-Glutamine Powder 2X, 1 TB Ezorb Calcium 2X, & 1 tsp pure Fish Oil 2X, & 400mg Folic Acid. I also give myself 1ml shot of B-12 each week since my body does not assimilate B-12 from foods or vitamins. To further help get my Crohn's into remission, I am going to start taking low dose naltrexone. For more info, visit http://www.lowdosenaltrexone.org and http://www.ldnresearchtrustfiles.co.uk/docs/2009.pdf . "Restoring Your Digestive Health" by Jordan S. Rubin N.M.D. is a good book resource. Jordan cured himself of Crohn's through diet and shares how he did it in this book.