Post colonoscopy infections

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May 1, 2010
Has anyone ever had one?
I'm less than 24 hours out and the pain has been so bad that I ended up in teh ER last night.
25mg of morphine later, I'm feeling more comfortable, but very (for lack of a better word) stoned.
I am supposed to get a CT scan done on Monday, but the doctor didn't say what he saw or found. Just that he wants me to have this done.
This is a new kind of pain. Very intense and stabby feeling just to the left of my bellybutton. I took some buscapene and morphine at home and two hours later was still in a ten of ten in pain.
Any advice or help on what to do would be greatly appreciated.
I have had infections after my second open surgery. The idiot operated when I was infected and no antibiotics. I didnt have the pain you are in, but a ct scan should show something. I am sorry you are experiencing this. Spasms dont usually cause that much pain. Hopefully they can get an answer to this pain. Let us know what the CT scan reveals, hope you get relief soon. Trust me, I know how you feel...good luck!
I will definitely let you know.
I'm "awake" now after falling asleep shortly after I posted the first message, and am still in a lot of pain.
I really hope they figure out what's going on, because I feel like absolute hell.
There was someone on this forum who had issues after their colonoscopy but I don't think they posted what happened. Reminds me to try and contact them and see if they are ok. Sometimes the doc can be a little rough when you're asleep or out of it and sometimes they flip patients (take on too many patients in one day and do one right after the other without actually taking the time and care needed for each individual) too get out of their faster yet in the process can damage your insides (possibly even perforate your bowels) which can cause infections.

I had an infection after my surgery and I was in more pain than usual, my stomach was hot to the touch, I had a fever and started vomiting. The vomiting actually broke open my healed over wound. What a fun time that was at home alone. :p sorry to hear your in such pain after you scope,ive had about 6 of them and never realy fealt anypain afterwards,just bit bloated and windy as they sometimes put a wee tad of air in.i know they usualy take a biopsy so maybe they knicked your bowel abit hard.they always give me a leaflet to tell me to go to a&e if and pain or blood appears so there must be a slim chance something like this actually due in for the magnificent 7 next month lol.woohoo not...............
Well, I had my CT scan done last night.
They found nothing, as usual, and sent me home.
Now I just don't know what to think. I'm so sick of being told they can't find anything!
I had some pretty intense pains on my left side after my colonoscopy. At first, I thought it was some trapped gas. However, it lasted for a few weeks after. I, too, had a CT scan and nothing was found. The pain eventually passed after about 3 weeks. I still have no idea what the pain was from, but I am sure it was due to the procedure. It makes me worried how I'll be after my next colonoscopy.
I have had two colonoscopies now and both times after I have had a horrible pain on my left side right by my bellybutton, but this is usually where I get the pain when I am having an attack as well. It is so bad that I cannot walk after and have to get a wheel chair just to leave the hospital, it usually lasts up to week or two for me afterwards. Hopefully the pain lets up soon and you are feeling better.
I have had two colonoscopies now and both times after I have had a horrible pain on my left side right by my bellybutton, but this is usually where I get the pain when I am having an attack as well. It is so bad that I cannot walk after and have to get a wheel chair just to leave the hospital, it usually lasts up to week or two for me afterwards. Hopefully the pain lets up soon and you are feeling better.

That sounds identical to my experience! My GI thought I was crazy. It's nice to know I'm not crazy (well, at least when it comes to this matter)!