Post Ileostomy Surgery - Questions

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Nov 3, 2010
I just had a total colectomy with permanent ileostomy on Wednesday - 4 days ago. Backside sewed closed.

The bowels began moving yesterday. Lots of colicky pain, trapped gas etc.

Can anyone guide me on how long this gas pain lasts, best meds for it, and what best to do in terms of food?

Thanks folks

Also, how soon did they remove your staples? I was told 14 days - does that sound right?

And how long does the incision hurt when you try and stand straight ? It really hurts me then. I am not on any pain meds as of today.

How long till they took out the drains on the side?

And best of all - how quickly did you go home after this type of surgery?

Thanks everyone!

Okay, I just had mine out on June 21st.

So the staples they told me 2 weeks as well. I was able to stand and move freely about 5 or six days after the surgery however it hurt like a son of a bitch for the first little bit. Closer to the end of the week the incision was really just uncomfortable. The gas pain can be tricky, the more you move the better it gets. Apparently chewing gum also helps.

I was in the hospital for a little over a week, and was on painkillers the entire time, and then they sent me home with a script for more. I currently only really take them first thing in the morning.

The hospital will send you home with a list of what you can and can't eat.

That's all I can help out with mine is only a temp one at this point.
Hopeful, the gas pain took me about a week to week and a half. I belched alot though...rattled the walls in fact! It was great fun. I took absolutely no meds for gas. Just let it work thru.

Glad the bowels are working! That will help of course with your eating and getting rid of the gas.

I had 16 staples, they removed them at 9 days. Some too early, some too late!! After that I had less pain in the incision area. Yes really! However, the bits that came out too early opened up a bit, so I was afraid to move around too much. That was probably a mistake on my part. The faster you are moving around and upright, the better you will feel in the long run I think. 14 days seems a long time, but if you are slow healer (alot of crohnies are) then fine, but have them checked every day as you dont want them embedded!

I went home 9 days after surgery. Because it was New Years Eve and they needed my bed!

These two drains I have in me are painful. They are these long rubber wafers, today they pulled some more out - hurts........... feels like they are pulling the insides out. How long do these stay in?
Hi Hopeful,

My staples were taken out about 8 - 10 days after all my ops.

Getting up and about is the only way foward, just a lottle and build on that. S
Sorry my pc posted before i finished . . . . soft diet is your only man , i had a lot of eggs every which way and felt the benefits from them too.

Wishing you well

Hey Hopeful, 14 days is the standard for staple removal, Incision should heal fine, that pain sounds normal, it's a sudden increase in pain or a change in the pains location you have to watch for...esp. if you develop a temp, or notice foul smelling discharge from the incision. As stated by others, the more you move the better, especially for releasing that gas, and pain meds are good and should be used, but temper that with the realization that narcotics slow the bowels, so that gas won't release as fast....try tylenol, if that doesn't cut it, then something stronger....generally find codeine to be the worst for slowing the bowels. Soft diet...stay positive.

oh yeah, the docs will order the drain removed as soon as the drainage slows to about 10 mls or less every 8 hours or so. also, 4 to 7 days is a reasonable amount of time to expect to be in hospital.
Thank you folks, not easy this, but relieving to hear its normal.

Any tips on best foods to eat would be great - I have not eaten for 4 months due to a obstruction, was in intravenous food, so now getting back to real food. thanks again.